Flakey Starter on '95 850 GLT

Discussion in 'Volvo 850' started by Bob Sisson, May 15, 2005.

  1. Bob Sisson

    Bob Sisson Guest

    I am following up on an idea from this list...

    My car has been eating a starter a year for a while...

    After about a year it goes "clunk" and won't start. Battery is charged,
    cables are good, all the regular stuff checked.

    If I "Whack" the starter hard with a stick/mallet/etc... it starts right

    Sounds like a starter right....

    Someone on this list said look at the Aftermarket Alarm... the starter
    dissabler... if the connection there is bad it will do this... Someone at
    the dealer had the same idea...

    1st... Has anyone ELSE heard of this problem
    2nd.. Is the starter control wire (Green I think) a Ground to start or a
    make HOT to start?
    3rd.. How much current does the control lead pull/sink?

    Any help would be appreciated as the dealer isn't going to replace another
    starter and it is starting to get flakey again....

    Bob Sisson
    Bob Sisson, May 15, 2005
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