Fuel Consu,ption Volvo 940 2.0 Turbo

Discussion in 'Volvo 940' started by TrevorL, Jan 4, 2005.

  1. TrevorL

    TrevorL Guest

    Happy New Year

    I have a Volvo 940 2.0 Turbo that is using alot more fuel than when I
    first bought it. I was interested to know what fuel consumption you would
    expect from this vehicle.
    TrevorL, Jan 4, 2005
  2. TrevorL>>...
    my 1993 940t gets an average of...
    21.0 last time i checked...i drive it
    hard, and have done a number of mods...
    i have the turbo or boost turned up from
    the factory setting.....what are you getting?
    is it stock?
    ~^ beancounter ~^, Jan 4, 2005
  3. Give examples and your driving style and we may well be able to give you an

    Cheers, Peter.
    Peter K L Milnes, Jan 4, 2005
  4. TrevorL

    TrevorL Guest

    Thanks for your comments.

    I have not upgraded the car so it is as per the factory, altough is a
    1994 model. When I first got the car I tried not to use the turbo too much
    and was getting about 30mpg, however even driving it sensibly now I am
    getting about 20-25mpg. The car is losing water from somewhere so i don't
    know if this is making the difference but I can't see where it would be
    leaking from. It loses about 1 litre a week. There are no signs of a leak
    under the car and the engine is very smooth and the oil is clean so I
    don't think its a gasket. I will check the water pump for leaks as soon as
    I get the chance as one of the other members suggested.
    ALso there is a fluid leaking from the carbon cannister which I need to
    asses to see if fuel is somehow feeding up to this.
    TrevorL, Jan 5, 2005
  5. The Carbon Canister is a device for subduing the effects of fuel
    vaporisation in the fuel tank. When the ignition is turned on and the engine
    has started the canister is connected to the inlet manifold and vents any
    fuel vapour that has collected, into the engine safely. It would seem that
    something has gone wrong along the piping from the fuel tank to the
    canister. I would investigate this at the earliest opportunity.

    Cheers, Peter.
    Peter K L Milnes, Jan 5, 2005
  6. TrevorL >>

    damm man, you got as high as 30?...was the car
    brand new, or...aprox how miles did it have on it when
    you got 30mpg?...that's great, i wish i could get in the
    27-29 range.....I need to take a nice road trip on the
    interstate w/"miliage in mind"...and see how high i could
    get...i ordered a new pipercross air filter, its a cone .. so
    i am hoping that will make a difference...my old one is
    2 years old...and pretty crapped up...i am guessing dirty air
    filters can have a HUGE impact on mpg.....how do you like
    the 940t overall?

    "When I first got the car I tried not to use the turbo too much
    and was getting about 30mpg, however even driving it sensibly now I am
    getting about 20-25mpg"
    ~^ beancounter ~^, Jan 6, 2005
  7. TrevorL

    TrevorL Guest

    The car is a 1993 on a K Reg. I have had it now for about 1.5 years and it
    now has 112000 miles on the clock. Can't remember how many miles it
    started with, probably about 95000. THe engine does look immaculate and
    runs very smoothly.
    As a car I love it. I think the older Volvo's such as the 940 were
    extremely well designed. having the Turbo makes it a large car with some
    oomph although it does drink the juice when you boot it. Having 3 kids
    under 5 makes it an ideal family car for me and although I havn;t used the
    6th and 7th seats yet will be very useful.
    TrevorL, Jan 14, 2005
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