Fuel Cover Locked on 850 1995

Discussion in 'Volvo 850' started by N K, Dec 5, 2004.

  1. N K

    N K Guest

    Hi I have a rather urgent problem.

    I dropped in a petrol station yesterday to fill up and the fuel filling
    cover is locked. I have tried every way i know to lock and unlock the
    central locking (using the keyfob remote, using the door/boot locks) and
    it will not open. When I got home (luckily close by) I tried it all again
    but no joy. Everything else is working fine.

    Does anyone have any ideas about how to get into this or how it actually
    locks? Could I prise it open without damaging it?

    Obviously rather a major issue at the moment for me!

    N K, Dec 5, 2004
  2. Hi there, I understand your problem. Volvo has a emergency release thing
    under the side-covers in the boot. On my wagon, I get to it under the
    lowest cover for changing bulbs. Its just a long string that you pull
    and it unlocks the cover.
    You might want to take off the entire cover on the side and pull out the
    small electrical motor and lube it up with WD-40 or something. I did
    that 18 months ago and it still works fine :)
    Svein Tore Sølvik, Dec 5, 2004
  3. N K

    Noel Guest

    Fantastic - thank you ever so much Svein. Precisely as you described
    there is a wire loop just inside the light housing to manually pull the
    locking lever back.

    Many thanks again for such a quick reply,

    Noel, Dec 5, 2004
  4. N K

    Noel Guest

    Fantastic - thank you ever so much Svein. Precisely as you described
    there is a wire loop just inside the light housing to manually pull the
    locking lever back.

    Many thanks again for such a quick reply,

    Noel, Dec 5, 2004
  5. I have a 93 850 that had same problem.

    With mine, I couldn't get anything to work so I eventually got a hack saw
    and carefully cut the latch (inside the panel..the little hook which is part
    of the panel cover. It looks OK but no longer locks so I bought a locking

    I think what happened with mine is it got stuck at the clasp area...you
    know...the way a door will not open if someone pushes from inside.

    After I cut mine everything seemed to be functioning fine again. What I
    would suggest you do is push in on the access panel when you use the remote
    opener and it will likely eventually open.

    I'm fond of volvo's, currently have 3 and have had many more in the past:
    loved em all but this 850 has really turned out to be a piece of junk. Many
    things break: transmission, power seat, air compressor, head reconditioned,
    etc, etc. I only drive it summers so the body is mint.

    Good luck.

    saltwater paddlesports, Dec 5, 2004
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