Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jsegura525, Mar 30, 2007.

  1. jsegura525

    jsegura525 Guest

    I bought a fuel economy gauge for my 240 and it does not have
    instructions on how to set up the wiring and tubing. I can remove
    and reinstall the dash cluster w/o any problem. It is the wiring and
    vaccumme that I need help with.
    Please if you know how ....HELP ME.
    Joseph Segura
    jsegura525, Mar 30, 2007
  2. jsegura525

    James Sweet Guest

    What year is the car? Pre-'86 used a cable driven speedo, post are
    electronic. Also what sort of guage is this? Do you have a link to the
    James Sweet, Mar 30, 2007
  3. jsegura525

    Randy G. Guest

    Sounds like one of the old style gauges popular in the 50's and
    60'sthat was merely a vacuum gauge with economy markings on it.
    Running the vac line using a Tee fitting to a "live" vac line under
    the dash should work. I would then guess it has two wires (black and
    blue...?). One is a ground (black) and the other can be wired to the +
    lead of any dash light so the gauge can be seen at night and dim with
    the rest of the dash. This is all a guess since you gave so little
    info to work from.
    Randy G., Mar 30, 2007
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