FUEL Economy-Out Of Warranty? Who Cares?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Administrator, Jan 28, 2006.

  1. I've noticed an enduring thread in this group regarding fuel economy. I
    might be crazy but I just had this thing installed on my XC 70 yesterday
    and I'm testing it out to see what difference it makes. This was tested
    on NBC local channel here in Las Vegas a few months ago and it seemed to
    make a difference. On my way home up the 15 it seemed to make a huge
    difference. The idle is smoother and acceleration is improved to a great
    extent. On cold startup in the morning the engine starts on the first
    Believe me, I have no connection with this company whatsoever, but I'll
    try anything once...well almost anything, so Gay guys don't have to
    contact me. Check it out. Jim Snyder on channel 3 here in Las Vegas had
    it installed on a sort of worn out Taurus. He seems to have liked the
    results over a test period of several hundred miles, and the results
    seem to have held up to the claims of the company.
    Anyway...here it is.
    Administrator, Jan 28, 2006
  2. In <ZeTCf.11988$ZA5.10310@fed1read05>,
    Water injection (or water/alcohol mix injection) has been around for a long
    time. But it isn't usually setup the way the Aquatune does it (using the
    intake manifold vacuum to suck the water in). And some of the claims (using
    ultrasonic energy to create hydrogen from water) are just ridiculous.

    Popular Mechanics did a detailed study on this a while ago:

    Aawara Chowdhury, Jan 29, 2006
  3. Administrator

    M.R.S. Guest

    Yeah, I have figured out a way to get WAYYYY better economy. I leave the
    car parked in the driveway and ask my friend to pick me up.
    M.R.S., Jan 29, 2006
  4. Administrator

    Lee Guest

    Thanks for the honesty!

    Most people hawking their wares hide behind anonymity. Not you,
    Lee, Jan 30, 2006
  5. Administrator

    PS Guest

  6. Administrator

    Crazy Dog Guest

    The thing that has made the biggest difference to the fuel economy of my
    '94 940SE turbo diesel estate was taking the roof rack off.

    A full tank of diesel (with roof rack): 400 miles.
    A full tank of diesel (no roof rack): 450 miles.

    No significant differences in type of journey or driving conditions
    between the two tanks.
    Crazy Dog, Feb 1, 2006
  7. I get around 500 miles per tankful with mine. Am just checking the mileage
    again as I am running on processed used chip oil (100% Biodiesel). I expect
    to get increased mpg, it is certainly smoother and has more power and, of
    course, better for the fuel pump.

    All the best, Peter.

    700/900/90 Register Keeper,
    Volvo Owners Club (UK).
    Peter K L Milnes, Feb 2, 2006
  8. I've had a lot of experience with water injection over the years and
    have never been too impressed with the effects except for reduced
    detonation. Popular Machanics did a test on the aquatune system but
    they had it completely incorrectly installed. I do know one thing and
    that is that my overall mileage on my XC has gone from from just under
    22 mpg overall to just over 29 overall, without steam constantly coming
    out of the tailpipe on a really cold morning as I have experienced in
    other setups. This is without any difference in driving conditions,
    except that it's a hell of a lot colder these days.
    Both Mercedes Benz and BMW have experimented successfully with water
    injection and hydrogen separators dating back to the '60's and the only
    reason that the units were never included on anything from the factory
    is that they decided that their demographic didn't care one way or the
    other. You may takethe elitist attitude and poo-poo the system if you
    care to but I only know what I see at the pump and figuring it out on a
    calculator and with the onboard computer. The figures just don't lie.
    You may also call it "rediculous", but on the news segment and also on
    my unit, you can hold a lighter up to the pipe that goes into my
    throttle body and you'll actually get a little "snapping" hydrogen
    explosion from the end of the pipe. You can also put an engine
    stethoscope up to the "heart" of the unit and hear a very high frequency
    tone coming from the inside. I don't believe very much these days when
    it comes to things like "turbulators" that are placed in the air stream,
    but I can't dispute the figures.
    Administrator, Feb 11, 2006
  9. Yeah...? Good for you! I sell real estate and unfortunately I don't
    have that luxury. I CAN tell you one thing, however, and after this car
    is no longer serviceable, which I think will occur within the next year
    or so, the BMW Three series is looking better and better...Or even a Lexus.
    Administrator, Feb 11, 2006
  10. Congratulations to you, you little puke...you know how to change quoted
    text...i'm impressed. Try actually reading my original post.
    Administrator, Feb 11, 2006
  11. Administrator wrote:
    Well, how nice to see that that little asswipe Lee's posts have been
    deleted from the forum.
    Go and **** yourself, Lee and in the future, when you decide to alter
    quoted text, think twice. We're only a mere plane flight away, and
    believe me when I tell you, I have your IP address and I can make life
    miserable for you with your ISP. They mailed me back, you fucking
    little puke. Just keep it up if you want some real retribution, you
    goddamned little asshole!
    Administrator, Feb 12, 2006
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