Funny Noise in 940

Discussion in 'Volvo 940' started by Ron(UK), Oct 15, 2006.

  1. Ron(UK)

    Ron(UK) Guest

    My wife has a 945 turbo, every now and then there`s a strange noise from
    under the dash, to the right of the steering wheel - It`s right hand
    drive. It sounds like a short burst of chattery squeeling, like a dry
    bearing on a small motor, or possible a relay chattering, about 1
    second in duration. It`s completely random, not apparently linked to
    vent motors or anything like that. Has anyone got any idea what causes it?
    Also there`s a little hatch down there, about three inches by 2 with a
    rounded top end, there doesn`t seem to be anything behind there, any
    ideas what it`s for?

    Ron (UK)
    Ron(UK), Oct 15, 2006
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