Funny sparks in a 740

Discussion in 'Volvo 740' started by Mauricio Tavares, Dec 11, 2006.

  1. Someone I know has a volvo 740 turbo (LH 2.4) with an
    interesting problem: two of his spark plugs give out weak sparks and two
    give nice and bright ones. He did check that by connecting one spark
    plug to each wire and seeing the spark. He has swapped distributor cap,
    rotor, and wires, and tested the spark at the coil (nice and uniform).
    What else should he check?
    Mauricio Tavares, Dec 11, 2006
  2. Mauricio Tavares

    Boris Mohar Guest

    Sparkplugs. Thy have internal resistor the frequently goes from few Kilo
    ohms to much higher value. Very high value of internal resistance will limit
    the current. If you have a bucket full of old sparkplugs check them with
    ohmmeter between the tip and the cable end. Some will read open circuit and
    still fire (sort of)


    Boris Mohar

    Got Knock? - see:
    Viatrack Printed Circuit Designs (among other things)

    void _-void-_ in the obvious place
    Boris Mohar, Dec 11, 2006
  3. But why if he connected the same spark plug to the 4 different spark
    plug wires he would get two wires producing bright sparks and two
    producing wimpy ones?
    Mauricio Tavares, Dec 12, 2006
  4. Mauricio Tavares

    Tony Guest

    Is the distributor rotor arm bent or loose? Check inside the cap for
    damage after the bent arm has been going round. The 2 good sparks
    contact points maybe bent away from the centre increasing the distance
    from the bad ones.

    Never heard of it before, but its the only thing I can think of if
    everything else is ok.
    Could be something to do with Engine management, crank sensor maybe, are
    you sure a good engine does not do this?

    Is there a more direct symptom? Is the engine actually running badly?
    Tony, Dec 12, 2006
  5. Mauricio Tavares

    Tony Guest

    Also is the cap seated properly? ie nothing trapped between the cap and
    the distributor base.

    Does the cap wobble when pushed on?
    Tony, Dec 12, 2006
  6. Mauricio Tavares

    James Sweet Guest

    It also occurred to me it might be a damaged interrupter plate or
    rotting engine wiring harness depending on the year.
    James Sweet, Dec 13, 2006
  7. Mauricio Tavares

    Boris Mohar Guest

    Good point. It is not clear the he actually moved same plug from wire to
    Boris Mohar, Dec 13, 2006
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