Fussy 740T

Discussion in 'Volvo 740' started by Madmedix, Jan 26, 2004.

  1. Madmedix

    Madmedix Guest

    Hi All:

    Have a fussy '88 740T. It starts no problem. But don't even think of trying
    to move her until she is really warm. The hesitiation comes in all rev
    gears, load/no load etc. Feel like a cylinder(s) cutting out.
    Being a novice on these Volvos, not sure where
    to start...especially when it's -25c without the windchill outside ;-)

    Madmedix, Jan 26, 2004
  2. Madmedix

    James Sweet Guest

    Has the engine wiring harness ever been replaced? Coolant temp sensor for
    the injection might be bad or have a bad connection.
    James Sweet, Jan 26, 2004
  3. Madmedix

    Dusters Guest

    Just change all fluids to synthetic! I got 320XXXkm.on my 85 740T an it
    moves fine at -42c except for the tires they stay flat for a while 200
    meters or soo ....you should see the exaust plume in second gear with full
    boost.....i must post a pic !
    Dusters, Jan 27, 2004
  4. Madmedix

    James Sweet Guest

    He's obviously got a problem of some sort, synthetic isn't gonna fix it.
    James Sweet, Jan 27, 2004
  5. Madmedix

    Madmedix Guest

    Actually, it's always had synthetic. But thanks for the idea James, I will
    get under her hood as soon as the snow stops and the wind doesn't threaten
    to tear the hood off. It hasn't had its harness replaced that I know of, but
    the current one appears to be in better shape than many I have seen.
    looks are deceiving, I will check out replacing it.....

    Madmedix, Jan 31, 2004
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