Help - I’m stranded and I think it might be the alarm....

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mattad, Aug 31, 2004.

  1. mattad

    mattad Guest

    Please help! I have a 1992 740 turbo wagon - and I think the ignition
    kill is activated. For some reason the car won’t start. When I turn
    the key, nothing but the lights on the dash come on and you can hear a
    slight ’click’ in the engine. Something like this happened the other
    day and we simply hit the alarm button on the remote and then tried to
    start the car and it worked, but now it doesn’t start. When the alarm
    is "deactivated" the number 2 diode is on and is flashing and the
    main light flashes once every couple of seconds. When the car is
    locked and the alarm activated just the main light is on and flash
    every few seconds. What can we do?!?!? I am stranded. Please help.

    Matt D.
    mattad, Aug 31, 2004
  2. mattad

    PButler111 Guest

    Subject: Help - I’m stranded and I think it might be the alarm....
    I have this vision of you standing next to the car by the side of the highway
    as traffic whizzes by you, frantically tapping out a message to be posted on
    this usenet newsgroup. Not for nothing, but AAA might be a faster source of
    assistance if you're actually stranded.
    PButler111, Aug 31, 2004
  3. mattad

    James Sweet Guest

    If you hear a click from the engine it may well be a bad starter, you could
    try tapping it with a rubber mallet and see if that fixes it, if it does
    then replace the starter.
    James Sweet, Sep 1, 2004
  4. mattad

    Peter Milnes Guest

    Pull the alarm fuse and try again.

    Cheers, Peter.

    : Please help! I have a 1992 740 turbo wagon - and I think the ignition
    : kill is activated. For some reason the car won’t start. When I turn
    : the key, nothing but the lights on the dash come on and you can hear a
    : slight ’click’ in the engine. Something like this happened the other
    : day and we simply hit the alarm button on the remote and then tried to
    : start the car and it worked, but now it doesn’t start. When the alarm
    : is "deactivated" the number 2 diode is on and is flashing and the
    : main light flashes once every couple of seconds. When the car is
    : locked and the alarm activated just the main light is on and flash
    : every few seconds. What can we do?!?!? I am stranded. Please help.
    : Thanks,
    : Matt D.
    : --
    : This article was posted by author's request
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    : Visit Topic URL to contact author (reg. req'd). Report abuse:
    Peter Milnes, Sep 3, 2004
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