Help, pls, SRS light

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Uncle Vinnie, Jun 1, 2006.

  1. Uncle Vinnie

    Uncle Vinnie Guest

    Can anyone tell me what is involved regarding a driver side airbag, 2000

    SRS light has come on.. the shop cleaned driver side contacts, reconnected
    it.. and it has come on again.. quote $500 plus for a new airbag.. ouch...

    Can anyone give me some insight into this.. is it remotely possible a DIY???

    Uncle Vinnie, Jun 1, 2006
  2. In <Z5Jfg.164$>,
    I think it would be extremely unwise to change an airbag as a DIY. You do
    know there's an explosive charge in there, right?

    Aawara Chowdhury, Jun 2, 2006
  3. Uncle Vinnie

    Uncle Vinnie Guest

    Thanks for the info... I have a mechanic that will install it...

    The bag that is causing the SRS light to go on is supposedly the SIPS bag,
    in the seat.

    But I need to ask a question from someone who knows this system... what I
    found on the web tells me the side impact bag (sips) is a self contained
    mechanical unit, and not part of the SRS system. Is this correct? If so,
    how would this bag cause the SRS light to go on?

    Or, is the 850/960 material I found different - this is a 2000 C70...

    Uncle Vinnie, Jun 3, 2006
  4. Uncle Vinnie

    Glenn Guest

    Yes the sips bag is separate from the main srs system as that it does
    not rely on the crash sensor but there is a connector that connects
    under the seat so it can be monitored in case of a failure in the system

    "*-344-*Never Forgotten"
    Is for the New York City Firemen who lost their lives on September 11,2001.
    The official count is 343, but there was also a volunteer who lost his life
    aiding in the initial rescue efforts. And I will never forget them as
    long as I live,
    nor should any American.
    Glenn, Jun 4, 2006
  5. Uncle Vinnie

    Robert Guest

    The SRS (Supplemental Restraint System) is designed to restrain the
    driver in the seat, while the SIPS (Side Impact Protection System) is
    designed to cushion the driver from a side impact. Therefore, the SIPS
    cannot be part of the SRS because it does not restrain the driver in
    the seat. Even seat belts can be considered part of the SRS system,
    though, so it does cover a broader range of devices than just the front

    However, to save on costs and space, for diagnostic purposes, the SRS
    warning light on the dash represents all airbags in the car, even the
    SIPS ones. So if your SRS light is on, it is entirely likely that it is
    indicating a problem with the SIPS airbag.

    One last item though...have your mechanic check all of the wiring in
    the car having to do with the airbags and that light. On my 1998 V70XC
    the light came on about eight months ago, and my mechanic and I went
    through a complicated cycle of replacing all of the mechanical parts of
    the airbags, eventually replaceing each individual airbag, and finally
    I took it to another mechanic who diagnosed it as a faulty wiring
    harness...who would have thought? So I spent upwards of $3,000 for a
    simple repair that should have only cost $750. Oh well.

    Good luck!
    Robert, Jun 4, 2006
  6. Uncle Vinnie

    Uncle Vinnie Guest

    Thank you, thank you..

    That is exactly where I am at... he is a Volvo mechanic who I've used for 16
    years... he knows his this case, he unplugged and cleaned the
    contacts.. only for the light to come back on again.... he initially thought
    it might be a harness since it was initially intermittent, but there is no
    harness- it's part of the bag...

    If I get a new bag either from the net (, and it's not the
    bag, I could be in the middle of the same goose chase you were...

    Is there a harness or something we might have overlooked??

    Uncle Vinnie, Jun 5, 2006
  7. Uncle Vinnie

    Robert Guest

    Just have your mechanic check all of the electrical systems affiliated
    with the airbag, SRS, and SIPS systems. If it is not an electrical
    problem (as mine was), then it probably is the airbag...which one,
    however, I don't know. I'm not too sure if there is an accurate way of
    finding out either...good luck though!
    Robert, Jun 5, 2006
  8. Uncle Vinnie

    Uncle Vinnie Guest

    Well, he found what was wrong.

    When he took apart the seat to remove the old bag, the harness was in pretty
    bad shape.. the outside jacket had a few cuts, and at one point, one of the
    wires was showing.. possibly grounding out...

    All is fixed.. thanks!
    Uncle Vinnie, Jun 8, 2006
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