High maintenance cost

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Bill, Apr 21, 2005.

  1. Bill

    Bill Guest

    I called my Volvo dealer in upstate NY for an
    estimate on the cost of the 60K service on my
    99 S70GLT. They said it would be $725 and would
    require 5 hours of time. Does that seem like a
    reasonable price? I'm thinking just skip it, and do an
    oil change.
    Bill, Apr 21, 2005
  2. i would take it to a local volvo shop...
    do some research, and find someone w/a solid
    rep...check w/your local volvo club....
    ~^ beancounter ~^, Apr 21, 2005
  3. have you always gone to the dealer for service?
    do or is your service log stamped and dated by
    dealers for all service sessions, if so...it may be worth
    the $ to keep the "paper trail" going...for re sale
    $$...otherwise, I would go w/a independent volvo
    ~^ beancounter ~^, Apr 21, 2005
  4. Bill

    Bev A. Kupf Guest

    From memory, this service includes:
    replacing drive belts, air filter, spark plugs, fuel filter
    clean EGR system
    check brake systems, steering, suspension
    check timing belt, tensioner
    lubricate whatever needs to be lubricated

    I think that $720 is a little stiff for that. I think this is
    no more than two hours of labor (at $120 per hour - typically).
    The parts are no more than another $100 - $150.

    You should be able to find someone who will do this at a lower
    cost. I think my service cost about $400 (at a dealer)
    about two years ago.

    Bev A. Kupf, Apr 21, 2005
  5. Bill

    fb Guest

    You can do better. Go to an independent shop and have them print
    out what's done at that milage. Probably the only thing (other that
    check alot of things for leaks) is spark plug repacement. You can do
    that or have someone do that for much less than the quote. You can
    change the cabin filter, air filter, etc yourself.

    fb, Apr 22, 2005
  6. Bill

    doc Guest

    Hello Bill:

    $725 seems a bit steep to me. I live in Central NY, east of Syracuse
    and can recommend several good shops if the area is convenient for you
    and close enough to your home.

    I sincerely doubt the service required would be anything close to
    $725. The shop I'm thinking of is a large facility but the owner test
    drives every vehicle after repair and if his techs didn't get it right
    they pay a penalty. I recall he charges about $ 60 per hour, which is
    typical for this area. Sounds like a lot to one like me who does
    nearly all his own service, but the man in question is entirely honest
    and stands behind his work with a 100% satisfaction guarantee

    Feel free to e-mail me at:

    Remove the "nospam" in the addy for a message to me and subsequent


    doc, Apr 23, 2005
  7. Bill

    James Sweet Guest

    Try an independant Volvo shop and see what they estimate. Also if the 60K
    includes timing belt replacen't DON'T skip that part.
    James Sweet, Apr 23, 2005
  8. Bill

    Bill Guest

    Syracuse is a little bit too far to go from Albany.
    But I did find a dealer who will do the 60K service
    for $600. And then I read about people who are
    buying designer jeans for $600, so I decided not to
    worry about the cost of the service.
    Thanks to all who replied.

    Bill, Apr 23, 2005
  9. Bill

    Matt Guest

    My 60K service was 1.3 hours at the dealer. (Ottawa Ontario)
    Basically road tested, changed oil, inspected brakes and fluids and lubed

    The bigger service was at 72K...1.8hours
    2000 V70SE

    Matt, Apr 23, 2005
  10. Bill

    Matt Guest

    .....less than $200...

    Matt, Apr 23, 2005
  11. Bill

    Bill Guest

    For the 99 S70GLT, the manual calls for
    replacing spark plugs, air and fuel filters, cabin
    air filter and drive belts (not timing belt), oil change,
    brake fluid change, and checking/lubing other stuff.
    And I think 2-3 hours would be about right for that work.
    But all shops I have contacted say it is a 5 hour job.
    I think that is where the rip-off comes, in the labor
    charge. I don't know how they figure 5 hours, but it
    seems way to high.

    Bill, Apr 23, 2005
  12. So... design some jeans, sell them for $600 and pay for the service with
    that ;-)

    Maybe the line will catch on - "Bill jeans, for people who know quality
    cars." Just remember me when you're rich and famous, dahling.

    Mike (who is looking for his medications)
    Michael Pardee, Apr 23, 2005
  13. They are using an estimating guide. I don't know if there is a standard
    Volvo shops use (I expect one is published by Volvo), but the one I've seen
    was a Mitchell. The labor hours for things I was familiar with were
    inconsistent - some estimates were low and some were high.

    Many scheduled maintenances are easy DIY jobs, even if time consuming. Since
    I go DIY on most of my car service anyway, I think the routines are a good
    way to become familiar with the vehicle.

    Michael Pardee, Apr 23, 2005
  14. Bill

    John Horner Guest

    Find a trustworthy independent Volvo shop and ONLY have done what your
    owner's manual says to have done at 60k miles. Most dealerships add a bunch
    of stuff beyond the factory requirements just to improve their profits.

    New car sales is not where dealerships make their money, it is in the
    service shop and used car sales.

    John Horner, Apr 26, 2005
  15. Bill

    John Horner Guest

    they pay a penalty. I recall he charges about $ 60 per hour, which is
    Be glad you are not in the San Jose, CA area ... here the standard shop
    rates are $100/hour and higher!!!!
    John Horner, Apr 26, 2005
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