High Mileage Club Medallion

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Byrocat, Jan 25, 2005.

  1. Byrocat

    Byrocat Guest

    Woo-hoo! Got my 100K mile medallion yesterday.

    Looked at the back of it and saw the double-sided tape. SAY WHAT?!?!@?

    So, where do you put it and how sturdy is the tape? Or should I do a
    bit of soldering and put a wire loop on the back.

    BTW, anyone in Canada or the US can get these (170,000 KM is 100K
    miles) by calling the Volvo Fulfillment toll-free line and takes about
    a month to get.

    Medallions are for 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 750 thousand and the BIG

    Two people at work are also "in the club", one flashed me his 300K
    badge and mentioned that getting it made his father decide to buy one
    -- a S40 Turbo!
    Byrocat, Jan 25, 2005
  2. Byrocat

    Rusty Guest

    I mounted mine using "Shoe Goop" onto my grille. 3 brutal Ottawa winters,
    and it's still on there good and solid.


    Car is at 232k miles, and purring like a kitten.

    BTW, 100 Miles (statute) equals 160.934 Kilometers

    Rusty, Jan 25, 2005
  3. Byrocat

    Andy Burke Guest

    What about in the UK. I have a 1998 V40 coming up to 300,000 miles
    Andy Burke, Jan 25, 2005
  4. Byrocat

    jg Guest

    Is that unassisted or can you have new motors etc? Even my last Ford did
    over 300,000km before it died of rust, but had some big repairs to get
    there. In the 60's a car which did 100,000 miles without major work was
    considered fairly good, but now very few would not pass that laughing.
    jg, Jan 25, 2005
  5. Byrocat

    Bev A. Kupf Guest

    Yup. My last Volvo did over 200K miles without any major work done
    on it. When I finally sold it, it was because I was rear-ended, and I
    didn't feel like driving a car with potential structural damage.

    The only "bad" Volvo I've had was my first 240. I got it used with
    around 50K miles on it, and the radiator fan fell out about 30K miles
    later. I was on my way to Kinko's to get my graduate thesis copied so
    I could hand it in, and the thing fell out with the mounting bracket as
    I did a pot-hole.

    Bev A. Kupf, Jan 25, 2005
  6. that must have been some pothole......
    ~^ beancounter ~^, Jan 25, 2005
  7. Byrocat

    jg Guest

    That's a real worry, but would you condemn a whole car for it? Then again
    I've seen pot holes on the Nullabor Plain which could make all the
    passengers drop out. Hey there's never a good time for a car to stop.
    jg, Jan 25, 2005
  8. It is designed to go inside the car. The tape is not an exterior grade.
    It goes inside like rally medallions.
    Stephen Henning, Jan 25, 2005
  9. that must have been some pothole......
    ~^ beancounter ~^, Jan 25, 2005
  10. Byrocat

    Bev A. Kupf Guest

    Cleveland - early '90s -- combination of bad city services and
    winter. The hole was on Murray Hill drive - a street that
    connects Cleveland and Cleveland Heights. As best as I could
    tell, both cities pretty much ignored that street.
    Bev A. Kupf, Jan 25, 2005
  11. Hang on to your braces Andy, VOC (UK) are sorting something out at this very
    moment. Access the website and/or join the VOC and all the eagerly waiting

    Cheers, Peter.
    Peter K L Milnes, Jan 25, 2005
  12. My '65 Amazon is at 63,000 miles. Odds are, the odometer has flipped at
    least once in that time, but I have no way to confirm or deny, so I
    guess I'll start with my first in 37,000 more. In Southern California,
    that should only take 10 months. :)
    Cormac Foster, Jan 26, 2005
  13. that's a drag...i was buzzin' along in my 02 s80, stero
    going, crusin @ aprox 60mph on a remote country road...
    when it suddenly went paved to dirt...there was a very large
    poy hole @ the "seam"...I hit that baby hard...the whole car
    shook, and the tape popped right out of the stero head...it
    ended up putting a big ding in the alum wheel...wheel had to
    be replaced $450....car aligned, etc...i had a quick lesson
    in driving "ahead" or "behind" the car ...

    other than the radiator problem, did you like the 240? did it
    ever leave you "stranded"?
    ~^ beancounter ~^, Jan 26, 2005
  14. Byrocat

    Bev A. Kupf Guest

    No Volvo has ever left me stranded. And that's why I used "bad"
    in quotes in my original message. I've owned a 240, a 740, a
    760 Turbo, an 850 and an S70.

    The best behaved has been the 850. The most comfortable to drive
    was definitely the 760 Turbo.

    Bev A. Kupf, Jan 26, 2005
  15. "The best behaved has been the 850.
    Bev...what year was your 850?
    ~^ beancounter ~^, Jan 26, 2005
  16. Byrocat

    Bev A. Kupf Guest

    '96. The S70 is a '99. I think '96 and '97 are the best years for
    the 850. I don't think '99 is as bad as '98 for the S70, but here
    are the four problems we've had with the S70:
    a) Tail lights burning out every 2 - 3 months. They were always
    replaced in pairs. This problem disappeared mysteriously by itself.
    b) Sunroof leak - fixed under warranty
    c) Passenger side window came off the tracks - easily fixed, but
    this shouldn't happen with normal usage.
    d) AC evaporator had to be replaced - expensive repair.

    In contrast, the 850 has been trouble-free. The same two people
    drive both cars. We've haven't even had the notorious shift-lock
    microswitch give way. The only complaint I have about the 850
    is that the body panels ding more easily than older Volvos or the S70.
    So at grocery stores and malls, I've learned to park not too close
    to other cars.

    This year we're trading the S70 in for either a S40 or a V50.

    Bev A. Kupf, Jan 26, 2005
  17. thanx Bav for the info...this will help in my selection of my
    next used volvo....richard / colorado
    ~^ beancounter ~^, Jan 26, 2005
  18. Byrocat

    Rob Guenther Guest

    When you get the S40/V50 post some updates of how you like it, I'm
    interested in buying one in a year or so hopefully.
    Rob Guenther, Jan 26, 2005
  19. Took the 18 months, but I just got mine a few days ago too--got 126 now!
    I KNOW! My wife does not want it on the car at all...sigh...
    Steve n Holly, Jan 27, 2005
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