Hood Release Cable - Volvo 240

Discussion in 'Volvo 240' started by George, May 29, 2005.

  1. George

    George Guest

    Nice weather has finally arrived , and I have replaced the hood
    release cable on my 1990 240 wagon (with air bags.)
    (I got the new cable from Swedish Engineering, and it's fine.)
    Here's my question: I can now open the hood by pulling on the
    red hood release lever. This releases the hood lock. But if I then
    push forward on the red lever, the hood lock does not get reset. I am
    beginning to think that there should be a spring in the hood lock
    (When I move the hood lock by hand, it will stay in either the open or
    closed positon, There seems to be no spring.)
    Should there be a spring? If not, what adjsutment do I need to make?
    To reply directly to me, replace all 'z' with 'a' in email address.
    George, May 29, 2005
  2. George

    Mike F Guest

    Yes, there should be a spring on the lock mechanism.

    Mike F.
    Thornhill (near Toronto), Ont.

    Replace tt with t (twice!) and remove parentheses to email me directly.
    (But I check the newsgroup more often than this email address.)
    Mike F, May 30, 2005
  3. George

    James Sweet Guest

    Sounds like your cable is fine, yes there should be a spring, and the latch
    mechanism needs lubrication periodically too or they can bind.
    James Sweet, May 30, 2005
  4. George

    George Guest

    Thank you. I got a spring, and now everything's OK.
    The old cabel *was* broken - at the handle end - but now everything
    is OK.
    George, May 30, 2005
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