how can I remove 850 passanger side airbag

Discussion in 'Volvo 850' started by chemruth, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. chemruth

    chemruth Guest

    I need to re-glue the dash vinyl around the edge of the airbag area. I need
    to get the passanger side airbag out to do it.
    First, I removed glovebox and removed 4 nuts out which were attached under
    the instrument panel.
    Second, two screws were removed from upper side of golvebox.
    Still I could not take apart the airbag from dashcover.
    If anyone have an experience, please let me know.
    chemruth, Oct 5, 2004
  2. chemruth

    Doug Warner Guest

    It's attached to the bottom of the dash. The whole dash unit has to
    come out to remove the airbag module from it.

    Remove screws at the ends under the vent trim, one under each speaker
    grille, two above the instrument pod overhang, one above each A.C
    vent (Pull the vane assemblies out), and last, remove the glovebox
    door and liner.

    If you want to drive with the airbag out, get a 2.5 ohm 1/2W resistor
    and plug the leads into the airbag harness connector holes. This will
    make the controller think the detonator is still connected so it won't
    generate a fault condition.

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    Doug Warner, Oct 6, 2004
  3. chemruth

    chemruth Guest

    Thank you.....Is there any problems such as accidental airbag explosion or
    mulfuntion indication on the instruction light.
    chemruth, Oct 6, 2004
  4. chemruth

    Doug Warner Guest

    Disconnect the battery and keep your head clear when unplugging it.
    There's always a danger when handlng explosives. A 2.5 Ohm resistor
    in the plug holes (not the bag assembly) will keep the controller from
    throwing a fault code.
    If you complete the job without reconnecting the battery, then there's
    no need for the resistor.

    To reply, please remove one letter from each side of "@"
    Spammers are VERMIN. Please kill them all.
    Doug Warner, Oct 7, 2004
  5. chemruth

    T Crossman Guest

    Planning on taking the Mother in law for a drive?

    Sorry, couldn't help myself.........
    T Crossman, Oct 10, 2004
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