How good are the "new" Volvos

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Steve Bernth, Aug 3, 2004.

  1. Steve Bernth

    Steve Bernth Guest

    When I got my 2000 S40 in Oct. of 1999, there was a lot of talk here about
    the "new" Volvos vs. the "old" Volvos and "Volvo" Volvos vs. the dreaded
    "Ford" Volvos. I realize the 2000 S40 falls into the Ford ownership era,
    but not the Ford designed era. Well, I just turned 125,000 miles today on
    the S40, and to date have had no major repairs that were not covered under
    the warranty. Other than normal maintaince I've only had to replace the
    coolant temp. sensor and the Park/Neutral position switch. I owned a 1981
    244 GLT and a 1991 740 prior to the S40. There were some things I liked
    better on the old Volvos, but there are some things I like better on the S40
    too. This is just an FYI for anyone who cares.
    Steve Bernth, Aug 3, 2004
  2. Steve Bernth

    Rob Guenther Guest

    And your Volvo was co-designed with Mitsubishi (a pretty lousy car company
    these days IMO)... Go figure.

    Friends of mine bought the original year of the current V70 wagon (a Volvo
    design), we have one of the oringal years of the 960 wagon, from 1993, built
    in 1992 - some stuff like a blown speaker, and some cheaper trim compared to
    our 93 960 (no more velvet on the ceiling and A,B,C,D pillars... plastic on
    those pillars for gods sake) make me realize that to make the V70 cost $44K
    now, when the 960 cost $42K 11 years ago that they learned to cut costs -
    but I don't see any major areas where quality lacks. My friends have had to
    replace everything relating to the DSTC system, it cost nearly $5000 to do
    this.... Pretty major i'd say, but the dealer says this is "rare"... The car
    has also had numerous software updates to correct minor problems... Solid as
    a rock right now. Our 960 has had a steering rack done, and a brake
    caliper - both more of less age related... Some A/C work done as well.

    Both cars have around 150K Kms on them... The 2001 V70 still seems like it's
    got a very solid chassis, there is not a single squeak or rattle from this
    car, same can't be said for our 93', but I don't think the frame on the 960
    is quite as stiff as the new P2 chassis.
    Rob Guenther, Aug 3, 2004
  3. Steve Bernth

    Matt Guest

    I have a 2000 V70 SE with 76,000Km, boutght with 62,999Km.

    I like the drive but hate the fact that I know the service guys by name.

    Ball joints @ 63,000 Km
    Power window driver switch @ 67,000 Km
    Passenger side link rod @ 75,000 Km
    Spring that brings the driver door handle on the inside back into its
    position @ 75,001 Km
    Driver side link rod is planned for 77,000 Km

    I understand that Volvos are heavy cars...shouldn't they have a front end
    that can handle the weight?

    Maybe the guy before me used to jump the car...

    Matt, Aug 4, 2004
  4. Steve Bernth

    Rob Guenther Guest

    Maybe... My friends V70 has had no front end work, and it's still all nice
    and tight.

    Our 11 year old 960's front end is kinda loosening, but everything is all
    original except for the steering rack and it's all checking out "okay" by
    the dealer, who I would tend to believe, cuz wouldn't they want my money
    when I am insisting on them finding problems when I bring it in "you could
    use new shocks in a year or so".... that's the best I could get
    Rob Guenther, Aug 4, 2004
  5. new volvos are horrible. I will never buy a ford or a ford volvo. Buy only
    volvos that are pre 1997.
    theflamemachine, Aug 14, 2004
  6. Steve Bernth

    Larry_Horse Guest

    I have an '04 XC. It is by far the best Volvo I have owned in terms of fit,
    finish and performance. I have owned: '67 122S, '74 145, '83 245, '89 244 and
    an '00 V40.

    | new volvos are horrible. I will never buy a ford or a ford volvo. Buy only
    | volvos that are pre 1997.
    Larry_Horse, Aug 14, 2004
  7. Steve Bernth

    NCMan Guest

    That is a good list of Volvos, and yet you missed the best series - the mid
    '90's 940, especially the turbo wagon version!
    NCMan, Aug 14, 2004
  8. '04 S80, 20,000 miles. Zero problems.
    Michael Hobbs, Aug 14, 2004
  9. '02 S80, 46,000 miles. Zero problems also.

    Pleasantly Surprized, Aug 15, 2004
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