Ignition degrees - B230F??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by sq1euo, Apr 14, 2006.

  1. sq1euo

    sq1euo Guest

    I've got problem with my B230F in V740. I've got 18 degrees in ignition
    set,..is it correct or not?? I think, that I've got bed timing belt setting.
    The engine works "hard", noisy, loss of power. Tell me,....if the timing
    belt have got bad setting (only 1 teeth),..how many degrees ignition can be
    sq1euo, Apr 14, 2006
  2. Hi, Jarek -
    The timing should be 12 degrees, but I don't recall the conditions for
    setting it. The 6 degree difference is too small to be a jumped timing belt,
    but without checking it is impossible to say whether the belt was put on
    wrong and the timing adjusted to match.

    The ignition timing can be moved quite a lot, but be sure you are not just
    compensating for something else that's wrong.

    Michael Pardee, Apr 14, 2006
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