Import right hand drives

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Rock, Jan 22, 2005.

  1. Rock

    Rock Guest

    Is it possible to import a right hand drive Volvo to the U.K at a lower
    price than through a U.K Volvo dealer.
    Rock, Jan 22, 2005
  2. Rock

    James Sweet Guest

    From where? Only a small handfull of countries use RHD, and there's probably
    more Volvos in the UK than all the other RHD countries combined.
    James Sweet, Jan 23, 2005
  3. Rock

    jg Guest

    Depending where from, any car might not be set to run properly in the
    average humidity, temp etc in a different country. Cars imported directly
    from UK to Australia, for instance often run like pigs here without
    modification. Cars here often if not always have slightly different engine
    specs to their equivalent in UK, US etc.
    jg, Jan 23, 2005
  4. So these are just a handful?

    L Anguilla
    L Antigua and Barbuda
    L Australia
    L Bahamas
    L Bangladesh
    L Barbados
    L Bermuda
    L Bhutan
    L Botswana
    L Brunei
    L Cayman Islands
    L Christmas Island (Australia)
    L Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Australia)
    L Cook Islands
    L Cyprus
    L Dominica
    L East Timor
    L Falkland Islands
    L Fiji
    L Grenada
    L Guernsey (Channel Islands)
    L Guyana
    L Hong Kong
    L India
    L Indonesia
    R Iran
    R Iraq
    L Ireland
    L Isle of Man
    L Jamaica
    L Japan
    L Jersey (Channel Islands)
    L Kenya
    L Kiribati
    L Lesotho
    L Macau
    L Malawi
    L Malaysia
    L Maldives
    L Malta
    L Mauritius
    L Montserrat
    L Mozambique
    L Namibia
    L Nauru
    L Nepal
    L New Zealand
    L Niue
    L Norfolk Island (Australia)
    L Pakistan
    L Papua New Guinea
    L Pitcairn Islands (Britain)
    L Saint Helena
    L Saint Kitts and Nevis
    L Saint Lucia
    L Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    L Seychelles
    L Singapore
    L Solomon Islands
    R Somalia (a part of Somalia trying to assert independence, Somaliland,
    drives on the left)
    L South Africa
    L Sri Lanka
    L Suriname
    L Swaziland
    L Tanzania
    L Thailand
    L Tokelau (New Zealand)
    L Tonga
    L Trinidad and Tobago
    L Turks and Caicos Islands
    L Tuvalu
    L Uganda
    L Virgin Islands (British)
    L Virgin Islands (US)
    L Zambia
    L Zimbabwe

    With thanks to Brian Lucas

    Hamish Alker-Jones, Jan 23, 2005
  5. Rock

    jg Guest

    What about England, Scotland and Wales or are they phasing it out starting
    with buses & trucks, as in that unkind Irish joke?
    jg, Jan 23, 2005
  6. Rock

    James Sweet Guest

    Hmm ok I stand corrected, I had no idea there were so many.
    James Sweet, Jan 23, 2005
  7. I don¹t know what happened to the UK?!

    Bugger, try and be a smart arse and it never works!


    PS any luck with the 340?
    Hamish Alker-Jones, Jan 24, 2005
  8. Rock

    jg Guest

    ....and Scotland, with a name like Hamish! I thought it was a good list just
    the same.
    Well the 360 first caught my eye, wouldn't want to have much to do with
    anything related to Renault though which I think the 340 is? Saw a 440
    Saturday - the mechanic said it was one 12 in Australia. The owner had
    waited 3 months for new CV joints, can't understand that but not a good
    advert. Just they seemd so cheap for a quality car, like the 265 I bought -
    bit of a gamble but nice to drive til it blows up. The daughter isn't ready
    to buy anything but her old car is...
    jg, Jan 24, 2005
  9. We in Australia are right hand drive so is Japan and until recently some
    Arab countries like Dubai .
    John Robertson, Jan 28, 2005
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