Is a Volvo a car for men with small dicks ???

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Paul Eisner, Mar 6, 2005.

  1. Paul Eisner

    Paul Eisner Guest

    I have a very small penis and that means I need a big car to
    compensate this problem.

    Is a Volvo a good car for a man with a tiny dick?
    Paul Eisner, Mar 6, 2005

  2. Every month or so, using a fictitious name, this troll floods 5000
    newsgroups (all cross-posted to a single low-traffic but unrelated
    newsgroup) with superficially relevant comments. The purpose is to disrupt
    with off-topic crosspostings.

    Like all trolls, he means to annoy and disrupt. The tracking newsgroup is
    the way he "keeps score" of how much damage he has caused. Don't put
    yourself on display in his trophy case.

    Like all trolls, the way to handle him is to IGNORE him.

    Take a few minutes of your time and check out the following score cards to
    see firsthand what this perverted troll is doing. I promise, you'll be
    amazed at just how active and perverted he is. You will see firsthand the
    troll's work and his trophies. You will see into the sickness and darkness
    of the worst troll on the internet today. Read some of his posts and look
    at the headers. You will see than no newsgroup is immune. You will see
    flamewars started, some containing over a hundred messages.

    Browse the can.uucp newsgroup, his old score card, for Karl-Hugo Weesberg

    Browse the is.matur newsgroup, his current score card, for Dan Simper.

    Browse the scot.tld newsgroup, his current score card, for Bruno Beam.

    Browse the israel.amix newsgroup, his current score card, for Paul Eisner.

    He is known as the "anagram troll" because his fictitious names are often
    discovered to be anagrams (for example "Dan Simper" is an anagram of
    "Spiderman", Bruno Beam is an anagram of "Unabomber").

    This guy is a serious troll with a serious problem. Don't be one of his

    Chances are that I don't subscribe to this newsgroup. I am simply
    monitoring the newsgroups the Anagram Troll is using as his score card. Any
    posts from me are a result of that monitoring. I normally only post to the
    newsgroup being spammed, not to the score card newsgroup, thus I will not
    see any replies directly to this post.

    Above all, please do not allow him to start a flamewar or extensive
    discussion in your newsgroup. He thrives on that. If it is too late, don't
    crosspost to his score card newsgroup. That trophy count is his motivation
    to continue trolling. Please help stop him in his tracks.
    The Anti-Troll, Mar 6, 2005
  3. Paul Eisner

    Boris Mohar Guest


    I have been watching him too. His lack of imagination amazes me. This kid
    has no creative spark at all, not to mention life.


    Boris Mohar

    Got Knock? - see:
    Viatrack Printed Circuit Designs (among other things)
    Boris Mohar, Mar 6, 2005
  4. Paul Eisner

    James Sweet Guest

    Not exactly a very effective troll is he? I mean for a troll to be effective
    (though I'll never really understand their goal) at least *some* people have
    to fall for the bait and think it's a serious post.
    James Sweet, Mar 6, 2005
  5. Paul Eisner

    Bev A. Kupf Guest

    Exactly correct. One his goals was to flood the group israel.amix (to which
    the original post was cross-posted), and had the first person who responded
    not taken israel.amix off the newsgroups list, all the other follow-ups,
    including this one would be seen in that groups too.

    Bev A. Kupf, Mar 6, 2005
  6. bet he drives a beat up volkswagen ?

    John Robertson, Mar 7, 2005
  7. Paul Eisner

    Rob Guenther Guest

    As a Volkswagen driver as well as a Volvo driver, I take offense to this...
    I don't want to be assosiated with that type.
    Rob Guenther, Mar 7, 2005
  8. i would recomend he go w/something
    like a hummer, or large 4x4 pick up truck...

    he should carry around a small step stool
    to assist in entering and leaving the cabin.....
    ~^ beancounter ~^, Mar 7, 2005
  9. Nope, you're giving him all the attention he wants.

    Dang, now I am, too!
    Nick Cassimatis, Mar 7, 2005
  10. so sorry old chap it was meant in jest but it helps if one has a sense of
    humour somewhat .So do you enjoy driving hitlers revenge .No body suffered
    in the making of my car .
    John Robertson, Mar 8, 2005
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