Is my tranny dying?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mang0, Nov 18, 2004.

  1. Mang0

    Mang0 Guest

    I have an 87 Volvo 740 Turbo, 252k miles.

    4 days ago it started having trouble shifting from 2nd to 3rd after cold
    starting. After about 5 minutes of driving it was ok. The problem
    continues the next day, so I had the transmission flushed (didn't get
    the filter changed yet though). This helpped a little, the car would
    shift much more smoothly (I don't know how long it'd been since it was
    flushed before, I just got it a few months ago).

    Sadly today the problem came back. The engine will rev fine, but it
    won't shift from 2nd to 3rd. I also noticed, since the fuild was
    flushed, the "Service" light comes on for a good 5 to 10 mins after cold
    starting, but then goes out. This is starting to worry me now..

    I plan to check all the hoses this weekend. The air filter lid is lifted
    up slightly in one corner as a catch is broken. I plan to follow the
    advice in the FAQ to get that fixed soon..

    Does anyone have advice on what I might look for?
    As I said, after I drive around and warm it up, it's fine and will shift
    pretty normally.
    I was also planning on cleaning the throttle body in a week or two, but
    i doubt this is the problem?
    Mang0, Nov 18, 2004
  2. You need to remove the sump on the autobox and clean the filter also flush
    through the valves so that all traces of dirt are removed. Then refill with
    fresh ATF. Thereafter a flush/change every 30,000 miles should keep the
    tranny happy for a long time to come.

    If there are small pieces of metal in the filter that should be OK as the
    filter will have trapped them and stopped them from circulating.

    Cheers, Peter.
    Peter K L Milnes, Nov 18, 2004
  3. Mang0

    radietz Guest

    The throttle spool on the left side of the motor holds the throttle
    cable and the transmission kick down cable. If the transmission cable is
    binding it can cause delayed upshifts. However 250,000 miles is well
    into the upper service limit for an automatic transmission.

    The service light is on part of a counter and illuminates every 5000
    miles to remind you to get the oil changed. It stays illuminated for 120
    seconds and then self extinguishes.

    radietz, Nov 19, 2004
  4. My guess isn't the transmission itself(gears/torque converter), but
    the hydraulics/actuators. The trick to tell is - can you rev it
    pretty high and it will happily drive at 3000 prm in 2nd? If so,
    the gears/converter is fine.
    Joseph Oberlander, Nov 19, 2004
  5. Mang0

    Mang0 Guest

    Oh yeah, in 2nd at 3000rpm it moves along. It's not too hapyp about it,
    and you can tell it'd like to shift up as it's getting to the upper
    limit for the geat, but it doesn't choke.
    Mang0, Nov 19, 2004
  6. Mang0

    Byrocat Guest

    Have the same problem, and it can be annoying. Engine winds up past
    the change-spot but the tranny won't budge.

    The work-around that I've found is to (assuming that you've an
    automatic tranny) start doing a shift from "Drive" to "2", but never
    pull the stick back to "2" but just to the hump-point where you feel
    the gear stick moving out of "Drive". Sometimes, even grabbing the
    shift-lock button and gently pulling back but not actually moving the
    stick works too.... or I've gotten really good at it and don't notice
    how far back I'm pulling.

    Let go of the stick (still in "Drive"), and the gears kick the right

    Also, make sure that you have eased off a bit on the throttle so the
    gear change is not hard.

    Re the service light.... ignore it until it's in the shop the next
    time and go "OBTW... reset the darned thing".

    Volvo owners never say strong words (;-P)
    Byrocat, Nov 19, 2004
  7. Mang0

    Mang0 Guest


    I did read something in the FAQ this week, about a loose gear stick.
    Mine is wobbling and apparently this has been known to cause problems
    somewhat like ours. THe answer was to replace a few brushings in the
    gearbox. I might do that too.

    Thank you :)
    Mang0, Nov 19, 2004
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