Key for 850?

Discussion in 'Volvo 850' started by G R Easton, Jan 31, 2007.

  1. G R Easton

    G R Easton Guest

    Anybody know of a locksmith who can cut '95 850 key, in Canada or North
    America preferably? The only dealer here wants $75 per key, which I consider
    a little excessive and none of the local locksmiths have the equipment.
    Toronto area would be great as I have someone there who can have it done for

    I know I can have it done in Australia but that is a bit far to go. Barring
    this, what are the dealers charging in Toronto for two keys?


    (on a rock in the North Atlantic)
    G R Easton, Jan 31, 2007
  2. G R Easton

    Henry Guest



    Last I checked, Canada was in North America.


    Henry, Jan 31, 2007
  3. G R Easton

    G R Easton Guest

    Sorry, I should have said " Canada, or North America at least."
    G R Easton, Jan 31, 2007
  4. In <uc6wh.477$>,
    Try Hubbard Woods Motors. They're in North Chicago. About 4 years ago
    I got a duplicate key cut for an 850 by them. It cost $12.00.

    Their phone number is (847) 446-0711. Ask for Tad (if he's still there).

    Aawara Chowdhury, Feb 1, 2007
  5. I don't know anybody who cut this Volvo key. It is manufactured and
    replace by number, not by copying.
    Stephen Henning, Feb 1, 2007
  6. It's probably more convient and cheaper to trade the thing in for a Volvo
    that has a functional key.
    Dale P.........
    Dale_Peterson, Feb 1, 2007
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