Loud 5th gear on my 89' 240

Discussion in 'Volvo 240' started by 240 virgin, May 16, 2006.

  1. 240 virgin

    240 virgin Guest

    I recently bought an '89 240 wagon with 230,000 miles on it. It has a
    little rust on the inside of the doors and under, but not much visible.
    I replaced the exhaust when I got it and have about $1200 in it. My
    question: The 5th gear makes a ratteling noise, and I was told that
    the bearings are probably bad. I was quoted around $1000 to 'repair'
    the transmission, which sounded like almost a rebuild. The car shifts
    and drives fine in all gears, it just makes noise. Should I put money
    into repairing the trans. or drive it until it croaks?
    240 virgin, May 16, 2006
  2. 240 virgin

    Robert Guest

    Drive it till it croaks.. I had an '82 Toyota Tercel that made
    BADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD bearing noise (old North/South first gen Tercel), and
    it lasted 60K miles, and well, it never failed, I just sold it. It sounded
    like there were a dozen marbles rolling around in a tumbler!!!


    Volvo?!?! Even less problems. Sure, it might explode, but, if you have $1K
    burning a hole in your pocket, do it.. I wouldn't.
    Robert, May 16, 2006
  3. 240 virgin

    zencraps Guest

    Probably not worth spending the money on, unless you do a complete
    restoration (engine, transmission, body, interior, suspension etc.).

    Just for the heck of it, change out the manual transmission fluid.

    Can't hurt.
    zencraps, May 16, 2006
  4. 240 virgin

    James Sweet Guest

    Drive it until it starts to sound worse, if that happens look for a good
    used transmission and drop it in, it's not a huge project.
    James Sweet, May 16, 2006
  5. 240 virgin

    Mike F Guest

    Yeah, those 5 speed transmissions like to be a little overfilled, that
    will stop this problem from developing. Overfilling it slightly may
    make it last longer in its current state. However if the bearing is
    grinding itself up, then the transmission will be in a sad state pretty
    quick, as it will grind itself up, filling the oil with metal particles.

    Mike F.
    Thornhill (near Toronto), Ont.

    Replace tt with t (twice!) and remove parentheses to email me directly.
    (But I check the newsgroup more often than this email address.)
    Mike F, May 16, 2006
  6. 240 virgin

    hjsjms Guest

    $1,000 will probably get you a boneyard transmission. I doubt they
    were going to take it apart.

    It's very difficult to analyze noises over the internet because we all
    interpret them differently. If it were me and the noise wasn't getting
    any worse and it went into gear smoothly I would just live with it and
    monitor the sound for any change.
    hjsjms, May 16, 2006
  7. 240 virgin

    James Sweet Guest

    Jeez, I paid $75 for one a few years back for my mom's car, had to pull
    it myself though. The M47's seem to be showing up a bit more as the
    later model 240s get older. If you're paying $1K for a used gearbox for
    a car that's pushing up on 20 years old you got ripped off, may as well
    buy a whole car for parts at that rate.
    James Sweet, May 18, 2006
  8. 240 virgin

    hjsjms Guest

    I'm sure that's the installed price from the dealer. Used boxes in
    good condition in my experience go for a lot more than $75.00
    hjsjms, May 18, 2006
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