Low Idle Revs? What can I do about it? Is it a problem?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Spinstorm, Feb 25, 2007.

  1. Spinstorm

    Spinstorm Guest

    I have noticed the last few weeks that my car revs are going up and
    down alot.

    When I switch the engine on of my 98 S40 (157,000 miles!) The revs are
    at about 1,200RPM but as soon as I stop for whatever reasons my revs
    drop down to around 500RPM, they go up and down and I can feel some
    shaking coming from the car and it greatly concerns me.

    I am worried my engine is going to stall or won't start or anything
    else that I can think of will go wrong!

    What could be causing the problem and how can I sort it out - bearing
    in mind I have no practical mechanic knowledge so I would have to go
    to a garage but would like to know whats going on and what to do to
    sort it.

    Spinstorm, Feb 25, 2007
  2. Spinstorm

    James Sweet Guest

    Did the problem occur suddenly? Could be as simple as a vacuum hose that
    cracked or fell off. Dirty throttle body, misadjusted or bad throttle
    position sensor are also possibilities. I doubt it's anything major.
    James Sweet, Feb 26, 2007
  3. Spinstorm

    Spinstorm Guest

    To be honest I am not sure when it started - I had some engine trouble
    with the cylinders about a month ago which turned
    out to be down to the coils - which were both changed.

    Since then I have been noticing my revs moving about alot more than I
    did before - so it may have been happening for
    quite a while I just never paid attention to it before.

    So I am much more worried when my car starts shuddering abit although
    it may have been doing it for ages I just never knew!

    I have run alot of miles so would a dirty throttle body be likely? I
    am guessing its down to wear and tear that it gets dirty and the
    higher the milege
    the dirtier it could be? (although I am not even sure what a dirty
    throttle body is!)

    what is the worse that would happen if it was left alone? and how long
    and how much would it cost to fix/check those possible causes you
    mentioned? Thanks.
    Spinstorm, Feb 26, 2007
  4. Spinstorm

    James Sweet Guest

    Well the throttle body gets icky buildup from the crankcase ventilation
    system and over time that tends to clog up the small passage that lets
    air by during idle. It's also possible that the throttle position sensor
    is bad which could confuse it into thinking the engine is not at idle
    thereby disengaging the idle speed regulation. I'm not sure how much it
    would cost to have everything checked out but I always recommend having
    things looked at at the first sign of trouble, it may be no big deal but
    then again it may be something that will cost you a lot more down the
    road if ignored. Little problems pile up when ignored and before you
    know it a car is a beater.
    James Sweet, Feb 26, 2007
  5. Spinstorm

    Spinstorm Guest

    I called Volvo and they told me it sounded like a dirty throttle body
    and that it would
    take 1 hour to clean and cost about £80! ($160!) which seems more than
    it should be!

    I have noticed over the last two days that my revs have NOT dropped
    1000RPM when stationary, however, I have only driven 2 or 3 miles over
    last few days and so it may not be a fair indication of if the problem
    is still there!

    I do wonder though does a dirty throttle body account for the RPM
    moving about
    alot some days and not at all on other days? or would that be
    something else!?
    Spinstorm, Feb 28, 2007
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