Mini dash lights ... where to buy?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Allan Shearer, Mar 21, 2005.

  1. Hi Everyone

    Where can I buy a pack (bulk) of the mini lights for the dash
    components. e.g., radio, illuminated switches, etc...

    Recently I bought a 2nd-hand Volvo radio for my V70 and it had some
    lights burned-out ... so, I scavenged the ones from my old radio and it
    worked perfect. Now ... I'd like to get more lights and replace all
    burned-out lights elsewhere.

    Thanks in advance.


    Allan Shearer
    Allan Shearer, Mar 21, 2005
  2. i have had to get mine @ the dealer...they are funny
    little bulbs.......
    ~^ beancounter ~^, Mar 21, 2005
  3. I've been shoppin' around in my wee town today, and sure enough, no
    auto-parts store carries these bulbs. Guess I'll have to go straight to


    Allan Shearer, Mar 21, 2005
  4. Allan Shearer

    James Sweet Guest

    What do they look like? I regularly replace oddball bulbs with LED's, they
    never burn out again.
    James Sweet, Mar 22, 2005
  5. They're very (very!) small - well, I guess the same size as an LED. I
    believe they're referred to as 'capless bulbs'.

    In the Volvo, they are actually clear - but you slip on a soft-rubber
    (blue) shieth which gives it a softer colour when illuminated.

    I suspect (so far as I've found to date) that all of our illuminated
    switches, dash components, etc... are all powered by these little bulbs.

    And they're quite easy to replace! Just, a little difficult to find online.

    I'd like to buy a WHACK of 'em so that I can go through my car and
    replace and/all bunrt-out bulbs. Right now I'd estimate that I have
    about 10 bulbs burnt-out.


    .... and James Sweet spake, saying:
    Allan Shearer, Mar 22, 2005
  6. Allan Shearer

    James Sweet Guest

    Sounds like a "grain of wheat" lamp, try doing a search for that, also look
    on ebay. Those are the same type I've replaced with LED's in Saab window
    switches and similar stuff, if you use the little 1/8 W resistors they fit
    quite nicely, just mind the polarity.
    James Sweet, Mar 22, 2005
  7. Allan Shearer

    dragon Guest

    You mean something like these?

    dragon, Mar 22, 2005
  8. Allan Shearer

    hank Guest

    I spent several hours shopping for those bulbs online and was never
    able to find them. I did realize a small chance that you could remove
    the bulb from the cradle and replace it with a bulb from autozone, but
    i didn't risk it. I paid $9.81 at the dealer for 1 bulb.

    Vadis lists three PN's for the bulbs: 9459780, 9472403, and 9472549.
    hank, Mar 22, 2005
  9. Yup, that looks like 'em.

    I've learned a few specs about the specific bulbs I'm looking for:

    - 4.6mm (height, I guess)
    - 1.2watts
    - 12volt (well, I guess that's a given)
    - generally referred to as 'capless bulb'

    .... and from experience, I know that you can buy either the bulb by
    itself or with it's plastic/twist-in enclosure. However, while in my
    '98 you can easily remove and re-feed-in a new bulb into these
    enclosures, I don't think you can in the newer models (2000+ ?) since
    they have melted two spots on the back of the enclosure to keep the bulb
    leads in place (for no reason, I'm sure - other than to prevent misers
    like me to reuse what's not broken <grin>).

    The wattage seems significant ... as the other 'grain of wheat' lamps
    I've found can be VERY low wattage (e.g., for model railroad use), yet I
    think we need 1.2 watts for that soft/gentle illumination and yet,
    *enough* illumination.

    I think $1-2 per bulb is a little steep ... don't you all? I'd like to
    buy in bulk and get 'em for .50 ea, or less.

    Maybe I should look to my model railroad store and see if they have
    slightly higher wattage bulbs! I'll keep you posted.



    .... and dragon spake, saying:
    Allan Shearer, Mar 22, 2005
  10. there is small.....then small small....then damm small....
    then there are these volvo bulbs....."mini bulbs".....the
    good news is it is the 1st time i have swung by the dealer
    for parts and not dropped a butt load of $ on the counter
    for whatever i needed .....
    ~^ beancounter ~^, Mar 22, 2005
  11. Just left a message at a local Volvo dealer (well ... for me, 'local' is
    1 hour away!) ... will soon know what the going price is on these


    .... and ~^ beancounter ~^ spake, saying:
    Allan Shearer, Mar 22, 2005
  12. Allan Shearer

    bgarver Guest

    great place for all kinds of Volvo supplies and parts
    bgarver, Mar 25, 2005
  13. Allan Shearer

    bajaman Guest

    I just replaced several of these in my '99 S80 T6. There are two different
    bulbs, one with a gray socket and one with a white socket, and yeah...they
    are $10 bucks a piece....what a ripoff!
    bajaman, Mar 26, 2005
  14. Allan Shearer

    ac Guest

    IPD has a great catalog and all, but for a lot of parts,
    I much prefer FCP Groton's prices and selection. I'm not
    affiliated with them, just a customer.
    ac, Mar 26, 2005
  15. Allan Shearer

    Rusty Guest

    I buy most of my parts from Nick at FCP, but I don't think they sell the
    mini bulbs...

    Rusty, Mar 27, 2005
  16. Allan Shearer

    Alfred Guest

    I buy 12volts X-Mass tree lightbulbs a dozen for 2$ after x-mass and
    adapt them to the socket

    Rusty a écrit:
    Alfred, Mar 27, 2005
  17. Curious ... what's the wattage on those bulbs? Might then not be too
    high? If so, I'd worry about heat-build-up over time.

    And, are they really that small? Never having a Xmas tree myself, I
    don't have any in the house - so don't really know them.


    .... and Alfred spake, saying:
    Allan Shearer, Mar 27, 2005
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