Need 740 B230F engine parts

Discussion in 'Volvo 740' started by Geronimo, Nov 15, 2005.

  1. Geronimo

    Geronimo Guest

    I need some timing belt- associated parts for a 89 Volvo 740 GL. It
    has the non-turbo B230F engine. The most urgent thing is a new
    crankshaft sprocket (for the timing belt). That's the sprocket behind
    the crankshaft pulley. Need a complete one, with front and rear
    guides, and also the crankshaft key underneath. It has a half-moon
    shape. Have already obtained a new crankshaft pully/vibration damper.
    The sprocket parts and key will get it going again, but I also need a
    camshaft sprocket cover& bolt, both upper and lower timing belt
    covers, and a idler (timing belt) tensioner.
    I checked the local junkyards, they don't have any Volvo 740s, and
    the network didn't locate any of these motors designated "for parts
    only". Thanks.
    Geronimo, Nov 15, 2005
  2. Try the yards for 940 parts for the same engine.

    All the best, Peter.

    700/900/90 Register Keeper,
    Volvo Owners Club (UK).
    Peter K L Milnes, Nov 16, 2005
  3. Geronimo

    James Sweet Guest

    You can get the parts you need off a '85 or later 240 as well, they're a
    bit more common.
    James Sweet, Nov 16, 2005
  4. Geronimo

    zencraps Guest

    Commonly available at U Pull It Damascus in PDX.
    zencraps, Nov 16, 2005
  5. Geronimo

    Geronimo Guest

    The car suffered a crankshaft pulley failure months ago, Got it going
    again with a new crankshaft pullley. When I took that off and checked
    the crankshaft sprocket, I found that there was a little fragment of
    what was a key in the crankshaft keyway. Well, there is a square
    projection on the front of the sproket which engages the corresponding
    keyway /slot on the crank pully. On the back side of the crankshaft
    sprocket there is a corresponding dimple and some little thing, maybe
    a "bump" projection was there, that has broken off. But I don't see
    any slot running axially on the ID of the sprocket which the
    crankshaft key would engage! Doesn't make sense. I don't see how the
    crankshaft key was positively set/anchored to the camshaft pulley and
    sprocket, there would just be the tension of the pully bolt. But I
    figure getting a new sprocket and key should solve the mystery and fix
    it. The Haynes illustration isn't clear or detailed enough on this.
    Geronimo, Nov 16, 2005
  6. Geronimo

    User Guest

    The crank sprocket has a block (key) molded to the front half of the
    sprocket inside of the bore. The tang on the front of the sprocket
    engages the damper pulley when installed.

    The goal when driving is to miss the maximum number of objects.
    User, Nov 16, 2005
  7. Geronimo

    Geronimo Guest

    Thanks...yea, now I understand. I looked closer at the inner bore of
    the sprocket, and there WAS a molded-in rectangular key on the inner
    bore of the sprocket that has broken off....there never was a separate
    key. Now...good luck ever finding a new crankshaft sprocket! I have
    come up completely empty-handed trying to find B230 engine parts in
    the local yards. Of course they have complete used engines they are
    willing to sell me!
    Geronimo, Nov 16, 2005
  8. Per Hauge-Nielsen, Nov 16, 2005
  9. Geronimo

    Geronimo Guest

    That trick works for the key on the *front* side of the sprocket that
    engages the crank pulley, but it wouldn't work for the other key---
    the one that is broken on my sprocket---the one on the inner bore of
    the sprocket which engages the crankshaft. That is a site with lots
    of good info----thanks, I bookmarked it.
    Geronimo, Nov 16, 2005
  10. Geronimo

    James Sweet Guest

    I know someone who's parting out a B230, email me with your email
    address and I'll put you in touch.
    James Sweet, Nov 16, 2005
  11. Geronimo

    User Guest

    The part number is 1336927. Dealer list $46.26

    Groton Volvo $35.00

    User, Nov 17, 2005
  12. What about checking your local Volvo car club ?

    John Robertson, Nov 18, 2005
  13. Geronimo

    dan Guest

    Yes I could part out the engine from a 1987 240 B230F (I believe) I want
    the upper part ( cylinder with camshaft but probably don't require to
    keep the bottom end - it works and is running now with about 190,000
    klms on her (parting out due to subframe rot not any other reason) also
    good running transmission (sorry it's a P R N D 1 2) a lot of you
    enthusiasts enjoy the manuals eh! but even had a recent flush fill of
    transmission fluid for those of you who don't like shifting gears
    yourselves. The car is in my complex in Mississsuga Ontario Canada - I
    have to work outside for the most part so think about it quickly as I
    will not be hauling these things out in subzero temps outside


    dan, Nov 21, 2005
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