new clue to '90 245 brake lights

Discussion in 'Volvo 240' started by AND Books, Sep 22, 2006.

  1. AND Books

    AND Books Guest

    i posted this question sev weeks ago w/o any reply,

    problem is that my '90 245 has brake-lights on all of the time... i finger
    checke the brake area w/o any new discovery... ya, i've gotten honks and
    folks yelling about the lights being on all of the time...

    it would be easier if they never came on and i could track it to a problem
    brake-lite switch...

    then, tonight my wife drove me to a neighbor's house and i noticed that
    *after* the engine was off, the radio continued to play! while she pressed
    on the brake, *and* that the brake lights remained on until she stepped off
    of it. That tells me that the brake light switch works, but i am still in
    the twilight zone as to why they are on all the time when the car is running!

    any suggestion(s) would be appreciated...


    janos (volvo driver since 1968... 544s, 122s, 245s -- too poor or smart to
    get anything newer... :))

    AND Books, Sep 22, 2006
  2. AND Books

    zencraps Guest

    zencraps, Sep 22, 2006
  3. AND Books

    James Sweet Guest

    Start by cleaning the ends of all the fuses and the contacts, then check
    the ground wires at the tail lights where they connect to the body. I've
    seen dirty fuses and bad grounds cause some of the strangest problems,
    the current finds other paths to complete the circuit.
    James Sweet, Sep 22, 2006
  4. AND Books

    AND Books Guest

    thanks much!

    i'll try turbobricks... good suggestion

    last sev days i'm driving with lights on, hit the fog-light switch whenever i
    brake.... but i look like a christmas tree! ima still on solving this thing
    it's *very* irritating, but seems so simple!



    : I'm baffled.

    : Post your inquiry at Turbobricks...


    : The sharpest of the sharp hang there.

    AND Books, Sep 24, 2006
  5. AND Books

    AND Books Guest

    : AND Books wrote:
    :> i posted this question sev weeks ago w/o any reply,
    :> problem is that my '90 245 has brake-lights on all of the time... i finger
    :> checke the brake area w/o any new discovery... ya, i've gotten honks and
    :> folks yelling about the lights being on all of the time...
    :> it would be easier if they never came on and i could track it to a problem
    :> brake-lite switch...
    :> then, tonight my wife drove me to a neighbor's house and i noticed that
    :> *after* the engine was off, the radio continued to play! while she pressed
    :> on the brake, *and* that the brake lights remained on until she stepped off
    :> of it. That tells me that the brake light switch works, but i am still in
    :> the twilight zone as to why they are on all the time when the car is running!
    :> any suggestion(s) would be appreciated...

    : Start by cleaning the ends of all the fuses and the contacts, then check
    : the ground wires at the tail lights where they connect to the body. I've
    : seen dirty fuses and bad grounds cause some of the strangest problems,
    : the current finds other paths to complete the circuit.

    thanks! i just got done doing all that w/o any change... my main clue is
    that the radio and brake lights kick on when i hit the pedal without any
    ignition... it's a challenge... my '86 245 nor any previous volvos never
    had this problem...

    your advice/suggestion makes good sense! i'll stay with it.

    ya, the only solution i found is to drive with headlights on and hit the
    fog-light switch when i brake... it's funny, cause i light-up big time
    whenever i brake! :)

    janos sz

    AND Books, Sep 24, 2006
  6. AND Books

    James Sweet Guest

    Hmmm... well, the next thing I'd do is look at the wiring around the
    brake light switch to see if something has chafed, you could also check
    the bulb failure sensor since many of the lighting circuits go through
    it. This is a canister slightly larger than a D battery clipped up under
    the edge of the dash on the driver's side.
    James Sweet, Sep 24, 2006
  7. It would be interesting to note whether the warning lights come on when the
    ignition is off and the brakes are pressed. It seems there is a short
    between the brake light line (the switched part) and either the accessory or
    ignition bus.

    Come to think of it, maybe you can get a good clue by pulling fuses to
    determine which one will kill the brake lights when the engine is on. Sounds
    like the radio fuse is a good place to start.

    One other thought, although it seems like a long shot on this one...
    whenever I am faced with real electrical weirdness I like to verify the
    engine-chassis ground connection. It's notorious for really weird
    interactions. My motorhead brother used to work in a shop that specialized
    in audio system installations in upscale cars. He completed one, but the
    customer brought it back because it didn't work at all. Huh. Works in the
    shop, not on the road. Aha! Works when the parking brake is on, but not when
    it is released! The engine ground failed and the ground connection that the
    sound system relied on was only completed when the parking brake cable was
    drawn up tight.

    Michael Pardee, Sep 24, 2006
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