new here, overheated my v50...

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by goatkeeper, Mar 10, 2013.

  1. goatkeeper


    Mar 10, 2013
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    Hello everyone.

    Bear with me all I have is my phone right now to type on. I overheated my 2006 v50 2.4i overheated my car about a week ago bad I guess. The expansion tank was cracked, one of.the nipples got a hole in it, and it cracked beside the cap. I replaced it the day it got bad. I know I should have replaced it sooner, but I didn't and now its all messed up.

    I finished pulling the head off today. I lost the position of the exhaust cam so I will have to figure that out. I really hope the block is not warped. I need to get a straight edge or a piece of glass to see. Taking the head to a machine shop tom.

    My name is Joseph, I live outside of Asheville, NC. I am into eating healthy, green living. Cars, I skateboard, longboard,snowboard, wakeboard. I grew up in tn. That's it for now I hate typing on here.

    goatkeeper, Mar 10, 2013
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