new to me 94 940 turbo

Discussion in 'Volvo 940' started by Steve, Sep 9, 2005.

  1. Steve

    Steve Guest

    Well just got her on E-Bay motors, 171k. It seems very nice except for
    three problems, any advice would be nice.

    It seems to lean a way lot making left turns--but not right. Have yet to
    crawl under it--does it have an rear anti sway bar--perhaps a link snaped?

    It surges at low RMP when cold, and if I hit it hard then get off the gas
    (sending it into boast) it tends to stall (cut out,turn off pick your term)
    Is this a known problem? I am running Techron through it--it usualy idles
    very smooth and quiet

    It only gets 20 mpg mainly highway being very careful to stay out of boast
    as much as I can, tires inflated alignment good. Is that all it gets??!!

    Thanks in advance!

    Steve, Sep 9, 2005
  2. Steve

    James Sweet Guest

    Sedans do, wagons don't. Both have a front anti-sway bar and it's entirely
    possible the bushings or linkage has failed on one side.
    Remove the throttle body and clean it out with carb cleaner, it's probably
    clogged up. Also make sure the throttle plate is adjusted correctly, it
    should be just barely cracked with the throttle let off completely,
    otherwise it'll try to stall when you let off the gas suddenly. Also
    wouldn't hurt to clean out the idle regulator valve as it might be binding
    and causing the surging.

    Seems a bit low to me, if you're running mid grade fuel and everything is in
    good tune it should do at least 22-23 mpg highway, maybe a bit higher
    depending on the terrain.
    James Sweet, Sep 9, 2005
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