no starting problem?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Ivor Problem, Dec 1, 2003.

  1. Ivor Problem

    Ivor Problem Guest

    car has an intermittent prob and won't start. Battery seems to have enough
    oomph. Lights are on and when I turn the ignition key nowt happens - can't
    hear anything either. If I put the car in 1st gear and rock her - with the
    ignition off - then try again, it tends to start. Not a constant problem,
    just every now and then. Just had annual service and garage said that they
    had checked the connections to the starter and greased them. Any thoughts
    Ivor Problem, Dec 1, 2003
  2. Ivor Problem

    Bev A. Kupf Guest

    What kind of car? Do you hear the fuel pump? If you don't, it could be
    signs that the contacts in the fuel pump relay might need re-soldering.
    Bev A. Kupf, Dec 1, 2003
  3. Ivor Problem

    Ivor Problem Guest

    Volvo 440 - Renault 1.7 petrol engine

    Ivor Problem, Dec 1, 2003
  4. Ivor Problem

    Duncan Wood Guest

    Duncan Wood, Dec 1, 2003
  5. Ivor Problem

    Ivor Problem Guest

    might try that next time, hopefully not tomorrow when its dark and cold when
    I leave for work.

    Ivor Problem, Dec 1, 2003
  6. Ivor Problem

    JK Guest

    1.7's had starter problems.... M.Marelli thing........Renault 21 had same
    prob....... the brushes are rear acting and quite small....easily
    replaced..... also the armature bearing at the rear wears and then the field
    coils get rubbed..... Or maybe solenoid switch....
    strange when you rock it it works.....may be a jammed pinion.
    JK, Dec 1, 2003
  7. Ivor Problem

    jane evans Guest

    sounds like a bad connection to starter solenoid, the thin wire.
    Alternatively the contact inside starter solenoid is worn, can be repaired
    but quicker to get complete starter from scrapyard as they usually already
    have these off the cars so just need to find one.
    jane evans, Dec 1, 2003
  8. Ivor Problem

    Peter Milnes Guest

    Or just starter motor brushes wearing out?

    Cheers, Peter.

    : 1.7's had starter problems.... M.Marelli thing........Renault 21 had same
    : prob....... the brushes are rear acting and quite small....easily
    : replaced..... also the armature bearing at the rear wears and then the field
    : coils get rubbed..... Or maybe solenoid switch....
    : strange when you rock it it works.....may be a jammed pinion.
    : : > car has an intermittent prob and won't start. Battery seems to have enough
    : > oomph. Lights are on and when I turn the ignition key nowt happens - can't
    : > hear anything either. If I put the car in 1st gear and rock her - with the
    : > ignition off - then try again, it tends to start. Not a constant problem,
    : > just every now and then. Just had annual service and garage said that they
    : > had checked the connections to the starter and greased them. Any thoughts
    : > please?
    : >
    : >
    Peter Milnes, Dec 2, 2003
  9. Ivor Problem

    Ivor Problem Guest

    did not start tonight, wed, just heard a faint click from the engine bay.
    tried again - without rocking the car - and it started . will investigate
    weekend when it is daylight and I am at home!
    Ivor Problem, Dec 3, 2003
  10. Ivor Problem

    Bob G Guest

    Get down there with a voltmeter and actually see if the starter is getting
    any juice... BUT since you can rock the car and it (usually) starts that
    sugggests to me that the the started is STUCK in the gears of the
    flywheel...and can not spin up...

    Next time it happens take a hammer and hit the starter and see if that has
    the same effect as rocking the car,... AND
    you may also want to turn your headlights on THEN TRY TO START THE
    CAR,,,major dimming of the lights would indicate that the starter is pulling
    plenty of electrical
    power ...which leads me back to the starter being stuck in the teeth of the
    flywheel... ...bad Selonoid maybe...

    If you could hear something then I would say check to see if you have not
    lost a "few" teeth in the flywheel and the starter has nothing to come in
    contact with...

    Check if you are really getting power to the starter
    Check the selonoid itself
    and practice rocking the car...

    Lots of luck...
    Bob Griffiths
    Bob G, Dec 4, 2003
  11. Ivor Problem

    Ivor Problem Guest

    Burger that for a game of soldiers! Spent his Sat morning on her. Been
    trying to find the starter motor and the solenoid on my 440 Volvo. Tis well
    hidden from above the engine bay and almost impossible to see. From below,
    using ramps, tis virtually as bad with an exhaust heat shield in the way
    plus other bits of plumbing and engine/steering/frame parts. Can easily tell
    that it's a Renault engine designed to use in the U.K.
    Anyway have tried the religious approach. Sprayed it liberally with holy
    water (WD40) and pray that it will start each time. Have to take it to my
    local friendly grease monkey in the holidays methinks Thanks for the help
    anyway folks.
    Ivor Problem, Dec 6, 2003
  12. Ivor Problem

    Ivor Problem Guest

    Gotta local gent from near Beverley who has a barnful of old Volvos to put a
    better starter motor/solenoid in. Cost £65 in all inc loan of car for the
    time being. Also did the front 2 doors central locking which was ify.

    result - my car starts every time without a shove. I am happy.
    Ivor Problem, Jan 5, 2004
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