Now my 92 Volvo turbo wagon is not running!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by geronimo, Aug 5, 2007.

  1. geronimo

    geronimo Guest

    It has the LH Jetronic fuel control system.
    THis is very strange. I was running around town when it began to die
    when I released the gas pedal....the idle was gone. Then it rapidly
    progressed to where the car would sort of start, but very rough, and
    then since it seemed to have started, I released the key, and it
    immediately died without ever accelerating any. When troubleshooting
    it the next day, the leak had temporoarily lessened to the point that
    it would start and run, but then I was able to hear a
    leak,locate, and fix it. A rubbber cap I had installed on a tee on a
    vacuum line coming off the intake manifold had deteriorated and split,
    and so it was sucking a lot of could her it. So
    immediately after replacing the bad cap, then the car ran perfect
    again. But,,, in the evening of same day, my wife tried to drive it,
    and it would not start again! And it was the very same symptom again.
    You hear it beginning to catch.... the cylinders are firing, but very
    rough.... and so you release the key and a second later it dies,
    without being able to accelerate. If you don't give it gas, it dies;
    if you DO give it gas, it still dies. Every crank you get the same
    So I put my fuel pressure guage on it, and there is good pressure.
    I put my vaccum guage on, and at the point when the cylinders fire for
    about a second, maybe two, before releasing key/engine dying, the
    guage stayed at ZERO. could it be that it just happens to
    spring another massive leak? I had a problem similar to this last
    year, and there was a barbed union on the inlet tube to the idle air
    valve where one side of the tube had come loose, causing a masive
    vaccum leak. I checked that again, the whole length of it on inlet,
    and the other side, and it seems OK. I looke at all the vac lines in
    the top of the intake manifold, but I found no leak, and now you do
    not hear any tell-tale hissing. THe ECU is not setting any codes,
    either. SO...what to check next? I am still suspicious that it is a
    big vaccum leak, as with the engine firinng/sputtering like that for 1
    or 2 seconnds, it sieems like I should see the vacuum guage kick
    upscale some.....right? Should it show a little upscale movement even
    when just cranking? I ckecked the timing, it has not changed. Any
    geronimo, Aug 5, 2007
  2. geronimo

    James Sweet Guest

    First thing I would try is unplugging the air mass meter. Also check all the
    plumbing between the airbox, turbo, intercooler, and intake manifold, the
    symptoms are what you'd get if any of those pipes were disconnected.
    James Sweet, Aug 6, 2007
  3. geronimo

    Perry Noid Guest

    vacuum line to the power brake booster? Or perhaps a ruptured diaphraghm
    inside the brake booster itself?
    Perry Noid, Aug 6, 2007
  4. geronimo

    geronimo Guest

    BINGO!!!!! It's the AMM as you suggested. I never would have thought
    to try disconecting it, after all the ECU wasn't setting any codes.
    I disconnected it, and then the car started and ran...but the idle is
    only at 300 RPM, it just barely keeps running at idle without the
    AMM....but this allows the car to run, and when you rev it up, it is
    fine. And of course the CHK ENGINE light came on with it disconnected.
    Sheesh...that sure is an expensive part though! On the bright side, I
    shudder to think how much I would have paid to have this repaired at a
    shop....they would probably have put hours into it in labor, and
    probably doubled the price of the part.

    THe car ever since we got it a couple of years ago, is getting poor
    gas mileage. it's only about 17 even on highway. I know that since
    its turbo that probably reduces the MPG some, but still shouldn't it
    be in low 20s? I am just wondering if that AMM could have gone
    off-spec causing poor mileage, before completely failing. Perhaps
    not, as it would show up in the mixture being too rich I suppose. I
    had a shop check the mixture and timing not long ago, and they are OK.

    Many Thanks, Geronimo
    geronimo, Aug 6, 2007
  5. geronimo

    James Sweet Guest

    There's a good chance your mileage will improve with a new one. They often
    fail in such a way as to not cause the computer to complain, but one day the
    car will simply not start.

    I once got better than 31 mpg in my 740 Turbo, that's with a manual
    transmission and was mostly highway and driving with a very light foot, but
    you should be able to manage 24 mpg highway without too much trouble, and
    certainly better than 20.
    James Sweet, Aug 7, 2007
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