OBD 1 - V740 - problems

Discussion in 'Volvo 740' started by sq1euo, May 27, 2008.

  1. sq1euo

    sq1euo Guest

    I've discovery the functions of the OBD 1 in B230F:)) I've read about Mode
    2 and Mode 3 in OBD 1. All tests have been good, but only one no. In socket
    2 (LH), Mode 2, the Full Open Throttle (code 333) is not flashig. All the
    time (when trhrottle is closed or full open) OBD ahs flashed 332 code (idle
    throttle). In full open it have to flash 333 not 332. Am I right? The 332 is
    when throttle is closed, on idle speed. But my OBD flash 332 in both
    situations, full open and closed throtle.

    What's wrong?

    all the best...

    Engine works good, without any problems.
    sq1euo, May 27, 2008
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