Opinions on "engine flush"

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by don b., Oct 19, 2007.

  1. don b.

    don b. Guest

    I think I know where I stand on this but, I'll ask...

    Has anyone had wonderful, positive results that were worth
    running an engine flush/engine cleaner?

    I have to listen to the sales pitch for this crap every time
    I go for an oil change at the quickie Lube places.

    "Oh, sir it will clear your engine of all that horrible varnish".

    My sons recently resurrected 1985 245T has some pretty
    ugly oil to be changed but I still don't think it's a good
    idea to run this stuff...

    Forgive me if this is a beat to death subject. I missed the
    posts if it is.

    don b., Oct 19, 2007
  2. don b.

    Gary Heston Guest

    Just tell them you already did that, and it didn't help.
    Anything someone tried to pressure sell is probably neither
    necessary or a good idea.

    Gary Heston, Oct 19, 2007
  3. don b.

    don b. Guest

    Thanks Gary
    I agree
    But, I do wonder if there is anything good that can come from
    a "flush" on a 22 year old car...
    don b., Oct 19, 2007
  4. don b.

    James Sweet Guest

    I've heard concern of it clogging up oil ports with gunk that it flushes
    free, never actually done it myself though. Personally I wouldn't bother,
    whatever gunk is built up is probably not hurting anything. Anywhere with
    moving parts will have stayed wiped clean.
    James Sweet, Oct 19, 2007
  5. don b.

    clay Guest

    Several years ago, our company did sheet metal and machined parts for
    one of the manufacturers of these engine and transmission flush systems.
    Whenever they were developing new equipment, we would build the
    prototypes then they would test them on our employees cars (if the
    employee wanted a free flush, that is.)
    They wouldn't touch any of the older cars, my '83 245 included.
    They learned the hard way, the problems James described.
    Change the oil, filter, and flame trap and call it good...
    clay, Oct 22, 2007
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