Petrol in diesel - UK

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by David W.E. Roberts, Oct 18, 2005.

  1. Hi,

    most diesel handbooks tell you that it is O.K. to put up to 25% petrol in
    the diesel over winter to prevent 'waxing up' at low temperatures.

    Does anyone have figure for how much (if any) this reduces the MPG?

    If I could cut my diesel with 3* unleaded without suffering loss of MPG or
    performance then this could be a real money saver.

    Sounds too good to be true, however.

    Dave R

    David W.E. Roberts, Oct 18, 2005
  2. Modern diesel fuel does not wax up in winter. They use a different formula
    in winter to prevent this happening. You would be better off investigating
    the possibility of using used chip oil with suitable tank heating as your
    main fuel. This has benefits in pump lubrication as well, prolonging the
    life of the fuel pump.

    All the best, Peter.

    700/900/90 Register Keeper,
    Volvo Owners Club (UK).
    Peter K L Milnes, Oct 19, 2005
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