Please participate in a non-profit academic research

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Lillian, Aug 26, 2006.

  1. Lillian

    Lillian Guest

    Dear all:

    We are researchers from Shih Hsin University and we are currently
    launching the 2006 New Energy and Environmental Media Issues Survey,
    this is a non-profit academic research. In this survey, we would like
    to know your opinions about the topics of adoption and safety of new
    energy related technology, and your opinion about Kyoto Protocol
    related media issues. Your answers will produce valuable information
    for our researchers. Your personal details will not be made publicly

    available. You can find the URL as below:

    As thanks for your participating in our survey, we will offer four
    screen savers for the interviewees who complete the questionnaire. The
    screen savers will be available for download on the final page of the
    questionnaire. They include the photos of BMW H2R hydrogen vehicle,
    BMW hybrid car, Honda hybrid cars 2001-2006 and Honda fuel cell
    vehicles. We appreciate BMW and Honda allowing us to use these photos
    to produce screen savers to help this academic research. Would you
    please complete the questionnaire as part of the survey? Thank you for
    your cooperation.

    Project Leader: Mavis Tsai, Ph.D. Co-project Leader: Scott
    Warren, Ph.D.
    Researchers: PingYuan Sun, BiTing Qiou, YunZe Que

    The CCS Global Group
    Screen Saver photos authorized by BMW, Honda.

    <Please complete the questionnaire as part of the survey, and help us
    by forwarding this important survey message. >
    Lillian, Aug 26, 2006
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