problem with HOT engine

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by sq1euo, May 4, 2007.

  1. sq1euo

    sq1euo Guest

    I've got problem with my V740. I've got B200K engine with mechanical
    ignition and Solex carb. Auto run pretty when cold,but when it's hot it
    doesn't working well. The whole coolant system is new,all parts,..the engine
    is new too. When I stay in traffic jam, than is very bad working. The engine
    works only when is cold, but when is hot is bad. What's wrong?? Can be too
    poor mixture? and too hot temperature of engine? Thermostat and cooler and
    coolant liquid are new. The valves are correct. When engine is very hot,
    it;s sound very strange whet I go 2000 RPM and I push the pedal down, he
    sound very bad, when it's cold it's sound very good.

    Please help me,..I don't know what to do.... 99% parts in enegine deprature
    is new,..the negine too (1700 km now!!!)

    all the best....
    sq1euo, May 4, 2007
  2. sq1euo

    Knut Solem Guest

    1. Mixture too lean
    2. Ignition too late
    3. Thermostat bad (or incorrect replaced)
    4. Air in the coolant system

    Could be something else, but... try the 4 above first.
    Knut Solem, May 5, 2007
  3. sq1euo

    James Sweet Guest

    I would definitely check the coolant temp sensor, I've come across a couple
    of bad ones lately, one I got off a straight 740 in a junkyard, makes me
    think that's probably why the car ended up there in the first place.
    Apparently it will cause this symptom if it goes open circuit.
    James Sweet, May 5, 2007
  4. sq1euo

    sq1euo Guest

    I've think the same

    10 deeg.

    new one

    new liquid,..without air
    sq1euo, May 5, 2007
  5. sq1euo

    sq1euo Guest

    I think the cooland sensor is OK,....but anyway car goes wrong and engine
    run bad, The alle cooland system is new (radiator,theromstat, coolant
    sq1euo, May 5, 2007
  6. sq1euo

    Roadie Guest

    Since the cooling system was rebuilt, I would suspect an airlock or
    air bubble in the cooling system. Have the mechanic that did the work
    Roadie, May 6, 2007
  7. sq1euo

    James Sweet Guest

    But he said it's running poorly when hot, surely if a cooling system problem
    were to blame, it would have to be hot enough that some major damage is
    being done for it to start running poorly.
    James Sweet, May 6, 2007
  8. sq1euo

    Gary Heston Guest

    Or a coolant sensor is losing contact with the coolant when the thermostat

    I'd double check that the radiator is full, not just the overflow reservoir.

    Gary Heston, May 6, 2007
  9. sq1euo

    sq1euo Guest


    I've checked it. Cooling system is 100% OK.
    sq1euo, May 6, 2007
  10. sq1euo

    Roadie Guest

    Roadie, May 6, 2007
  11. Jarek, if I understand correctly it overheats in traffic jams but is okay
    when you get out on open road? If so, the air flow is probably the problem.

    You probably have a fan on the water pump that is driven by a finned
    aluminum "viscous coupler." If that coupler has lost some of the silicone
    fluid it will be too weak to cool the radiator when the car is at low speed.
    You can check it by trying to spin the fan by hand with the engine off. If
    the fan stops within a quarter turn the coupler is working okay, but if it
    goes more than 1/2 turn it is bad. Between 1/4 and 1/2 turn it is not very
    good, but it is not the cause of your overheating.

    I think there is also an electric fan on the front of the radiator; that
    should be running when the engine gets hot (or maybe with the air
    conditioning on - I forget which or both).

    Michael Pardee, May 6, 2007
  12. sq1euo

    sq1euo Guest

    I check "in" hose - it's full on liquid. The radiator have special little
    hose to take off the air bubble, is in highest place of the radiator.
    sq1euo, May 6, 2007
  13. sq1euo

    sq1euo Guest


    No...on open road is also bad,.,...but in trafic jam is horrible.
    Visco is new, it's 100% OK,...the radiator is't hot in trafic jam,because
    visco works good. The radiator is also new.
    I haven't got electric fan in my car,..only visco, rear radiator. It's look
    like only up part of the engine, the engine's head is only too hot,..but the
    block, sensor etc. is OK,..good temp.

    Can I check the mixture by multimetr and lambda sond ???,...I've got old
    lambda sond in my out manifold,..because manifold is from injection engine.
    sq1euo, May 6, 2007
  14. sq1euo

    James Sweet Guest

    Is the cooling system holding pressure? I've seen a cracked expansion tank
    cause overheating.
    James Sweet, May 6, 2007
  15. sq1euo

    sq1euo Guest

    Yes,the pressure is OK,..I've chacked it
    sq1euo, May 6, 2007
  16. The radiator is not hot when the cylinder head is hot? Maybe the thermostat
    was put in upside down? It is not hard to make that mistake. That prevents
    the thermostat from working right so the hot water can't leave the head. If
    it's a genuine Volvo thermostat it has a little hole that will let a little
    water through, but just enough to let the head temperature get to the
    thermostat when the engine has been cold.
    Michael Pardee, May 7, 2007
  17. sq1euo

    sq1euo Guest

    No it's 100% OK.
    Thermostat is new one also,...88 degr.
    sq1euo, May 8, 2007
  18. sq1euo

    Knut Solem Guest

    If the cylinder head gets extremly hot, it seems to be a problem with either
    ignition timing or mixture.
    Check the color of the spark plugs.
    Run the car for a few minutes until the enginge gets hot.
    Then unscrew one spark plug and check the color and how the spark plug
    looks.(Be careful! It's very hot!!!)
    If you have a Haynes manual for the car, you can find a color chart for
    spark plugs on one of the last pages in the book.
    Or try to find it on the Internet.

    Or this one (for MC's but ok):

    or this one:

    This may tell you something about the mixture.
    Black - Too rich
    White - Too lean
    chocolate/grey - ok
    Broken ceramic around the core - too hot (lean mixture)

    Theese are the basics.
    Knut Solem, May 8, 2007
  19. sq1euo

    James Sweet Guest

    Is the water pump ok? I got a rock in mine once from a junkyard radiator, it
    jammed the impeller which just spun on the shaft so things looked fine from
    the outside but no water was being pumped.
    James Sweet, May 8, 2007
  20. sq1euo

    Gary Heston Guest

    If the head was that hot from a mixture/timing issue, the incandescent
    glow from the exhaust manifold and turbo would give it away.

    Coolant isn't flowing for some reason; if it's not a reversed thermostat,
    or failed pump as someone else mentioned, it could be a weak lower radiator
    hose collapsing under suction. Check by squeezing the hose from under the
    car; if you can get it nearly flat with your hand, it needs replacing. It
    may be possible to spot this by watching the lower hose while reving the
    engine; if it deforms at all, it's bad.
    Yikes! No! Never try to remove a spark plug while the head is hot; there
    is a high probability of damaging the threads in the head. If that happens,
    the cheap fix is a Helicoil; the expensive fix is a new head.
    [ ... ]

    That color chart applies when the plugs are cold, not hot.

    Gary Heston, May 9, 2007
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