Problem with the starts hot engine!!!! - Volvo 740, B230F

Discussion in 'Volvo 740' started by sq1euo, Feb 15, 2006.

  1. sq1euo

    sq1euo Guest

    I have a small problem with the starts engine when is hot.
    When it is cold - starts without any problem, and when is hot, and I will
    switch off him and in a moment I will start, then also it starts very well

    But when the hot engine I will turn off and I want to start him after 15, 20
    minutes, I have with this a small problem. The engine will starts on the
    first time, but I must several seconds use the starter to turn on the
    engine!! I use benzines and LPG Gas and the problem is in both fuels (so I
    think, that it's not a problem with the injection or fuel pomp, because on
    LPG Gas the injection and fule pomp is turn off), so I suspect the ignition!

    I have an engine B230F LH2.2, the year 1988. Perhaps the Hall sensor is
    damaged? How I can test them? Some symptoms are indicator for test the Hall

    To ask for the advice...

    all the best...
    sq1euo, Feb 15, 2006
  2. I don't know if this is your issue, but I coincidentally found it this
    morning while looking for something else:

    740 GLE Won't Start When Hot - Wait 1/2 Hour Okay. I'm having this
    problem with my '90 740 Wagon. Very frustrating - have replaced fuel
    pump relay, fuel pump, fly-wheel sensor... all to no avail. No error
    codes from computer are showing up. Any ideas please?????????

    I have found the problem - hurray! I found the fix on the UK Volvo Club
    site - the problem was the noise suppression relay, which also supplies
    + power to the fuel injectors. There are two identical relays side by
    side - the noise suppression and the auxiliary fan relays. After
    reading the following diagnosis for the ns relay, I switched them and
    the car started right away. Switched them back and no start. Back again
    and started again right away!
    Problem diagnosis: When this relay fails, it can cause:
    · Hot start problems (car won't restart until it cools down)
    · Failure of fuel injector system (no injector pulses)
    · Backfiring or balky acceleration (insufficient or inconsistent
    injector pulses)

    jamiebabineaux, Feb 15, 2006
  3. sq1euo

    sq1euo Guest

    Uzytkownik <> napisal w wiadomosci
    I don't know if this is your issue, but I coincidentally found it this
    morning while looking for something else:

    740 GLE Won't Start When Hot - Wait 1/2 Hour Okay. I'm having this
    problem with my '90 740 Wagon. Very frustrating - have replaced fuel
    pump relay, fuel pump, fly-wheel sensor... all to no avail. No error
    codes from computer are showing up. Any ideas please?????????

    I have found the problem - hurray! I found the fix on the UK Volvo Club
    site - the problem was the noise suppression relay, which also supplies
    + power to the fuel injectors. There are two identical relays side by
    side - the noise suppression and the auxiliary fan relays. After
    reading the following diagnosis for the ns relay, I switched them and
    the car started right away. Switched them back and no start. Back again
    and started again right away!
    Problem diagnosis: When this relay fails, it can cause:
    · Hot start problems (car won't restart until it cools down)
    · Failure of fuel injector system (no injector pulses)
    · Backfiring or balky acceleration (insufficient or inconsistent
    injector pulses)


    OK,....tnx, but I've got the LPG Gas also, the LPG the symoptom is the
    same,..but when LPG is turn on, the injectors, fuel pump, or all the fuel
    system is turn off,...this sympot is in the Ptarol NoPB ant in teh LPG Gas.
    But, I've written that I can starts the enegin when it's hot, but I must
    used a strter long time (whent is cold, it starts imadietly, when is hot, I
    must used strter 5 seconds). When it'c cold and starts good, the car go
    better (the power and acceleratio is better), that wehn is hot and starts
    with problem.
    sq1euo, Feb 15, 2006
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