Problems with XC90

Discussion in 'Volvo XC90' started by David, Feb 3, 2005.

  1. David

    David Guest

    We are having plenty of problems with our XC90. Many are trivial annoyances
    however we have experienced real problems that pose safety concerns.
    Despite patience and clear communications with dealer, reps and
    corporatation there has been no resolve. Stay tuned....

    David, Feb 3, 2005
  2. David

    jg Guest

    Yeah, try waiting 6 weeks for a head gasket on a Camry... just when you
    decide to "leave it to the experts". Then drive it for a week to have it go
    again because he didn't replace the temporary hose put there when the old
    one split, causing all the trouble in the first place. He told us not expect
    it quickly this time because it's a "sort of warranty job"... oh sh*t, and 6
    weeks was quick??
    jg, Feb 3, 2005
  3. David

    Rob Guenther Guest

    What kind of dealer/parts network has a 6 week turnaround time? I would find
    6 days unacceptable!

    Our Volvo dealer usually has same day (sometimes), usually next day and if
    not then day after that service (appointments), and the parts tend to come
    in twice a week... Never really seem to have had to wait very long for a
    Volvo (or Volkswagen in the case of those 2 cars) part - a week is the
    longest we've ever been w/o the car - and that was some major work.
    Rob Guenther, Feb 3, 2005
  4. David

    jg Guest

    He's an independant mechanic, maybe that's the problem. Obviously I think
    it's ridiculous too. This is Australia where apparently there is a big
    shortage of mechanics (and a bigger shortage of good ones!) - no shortage of
    professionals though because they are the only ones who can win enough
    "points" to immigrate here. Where are you, maybe I can ship it there?
    jg, Feb 4, 2005
  5. David

    Rob Guenther Guest

    Ontario, Canada - pretty far away, i'd say.

    Are the dealers not better? - I don't deal with independant garages very
    much, there are no good ones (that I know of) for Volvo or VW around where I
    Rob Guenther, Feb 4, 2005
  6. David

    jg Guest

    Well there are a small number of volvo specialists here who all have pretty
    good names I believe. Never really gone that way in the past as I never
    owned a new car, did a lot myself and at least some of the other dealers are
    as bad as the worst. The parts people at the volvo dealer closest here treat
    me like a leper though - like they have something against people with old
    cars. Funny ppl talk in terms of "who looks after it" with volvos, even at
    the bottom end of the spectrum like me - they don't bother to ask with most
    other cars...
    jg, Feb 4, 2005
  7. David

    mdrawson Guest

    What kinds of problems? I'm considering buying one.
    mdrawson, Feb 4, 2005
  8. David

    David Guest

    The saga is too lengthy for a news group so I have decided to start an
    advocacy web site. The site will be going up next week called . Its goal will be to provide a free exchange of
    information and to balance the marketing and sales engine of the
    manufacturer. I was on the fence about committing the time to this however
    moments ago I picked up the car from the dealer's service department
    (again). I delivered it to my wife who immediately noticed the two new door
    dents with chipped paint. She takes such nice care of the car; parks it in
    the end spot in parking lots etc. It made me realize that we care more
    about our Volvo than Volvo.

    David, Feb 4, 2005
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