Question about '97 850 AWD

Discussion in 'Volvo 850' started by Andy, Dec 22, 2007.

  1. Andy

    Andy Guest


    Considering buying a '97 850 wagon, stick shift, AWD, 146,000 Km (87,600
    AWD is not on my wish list, but stick shift is. This car is in top
    condition (one owner).
    Should I be concerned about the AWD? It isn't Haldex.

    Grateful for any comments.
    Andy I.
    Andy, Dec 22, 2007
  2. The pre Haldex system was a viscous drive like Subaru has been using for
    decades. It is a very reliable system.

    The '95 through '97 850 are very reliable used cars. If the original
    owner took good care of it, it is a great find.
    Stephen Henning, Dec 23, 2007
  3. Andy

    Mr. V Guest

    Those 850's were prone to failing rear main oil seals.

    Ask me how I know..
    Mr. V, Dec 23, 2007
  4. Andy

    Andy Guest

    Thanks Steve.
    That's encouraging.

    Andy I.

    : In article <K1ebj.4667$DP1.1135@pd7urf2no>,
    : > Considering buying a '97 850 wagon, stick shift, AWD, 146,000 Km (87,600
    : > miles).
    : > AWD is not on my wish list, but stick shift is. This car is in top
    : > condition (one owner).
    : > Should I be concerned about the AWD? It isn't Haldex.
    : The pre Haldex system was a viscous drive like Subaru has been using for
    : decades. It is a very reliable system.
    : The '95 through '97 850 are very reliable used cars. If the original
    : owner took good care of it, it is a great find.
    : --
    : Cheers, Steve Henning in Reading, PA, USA
    : Owned '67,'68,'71,'74,'79,'81,'87,'93,'95 & '01 Volvos.
    : The '67,'74,'79,'87,'95 and '01 through European Delivery.
    Andy, Dec 23, 2007
  5. Andy

    Andy Guest

    Thanks Mr. V.
    That's *not* encouraging! .......... but I appreciate the warning.

    Andy I.

    : Those 850's were prone to failing rear main oil seals.
    : Ask me how I know..
    Andy, Dec 23, 2007
  6. In <Kwwbj.4834$vd4.1379@pd7urf1no>,
    I've had an '96 850, and a '99 S70 - neither of which was AWD, but
    they have the same engine as the '97 850. The rear seal never
    failed on me.

    Aawara Chowdhury, Dec 23, 2007
  7. Andy

    Andy Guest

    Thanks Aawara.
    That's reassuring.

    Andy I.

    : In <Kwwbj.4834$vd4.1379@pd7urf1no>,
    : >
    : >
    : >: Those 850's were prone to failing rear main oil seals.
    : >:
    : >: Ask me how I know..
    : >
    : I've had an '96 850, and a '99 S70 - neither of which was AWD, but
    : they have the same engine as the '97 850. The rear seal never
    : failed on me.
    : AC
    : --
    : Email: echo 36434455860060025978157675027927670979097959886449930P | dc
    Andy, Dec 23, 2007
  8. My '95 850 had a rear seal leak that was fixed under warranty early on
    and at 140,000 miles has never leaked again. It was problem at the
    Stephen Henning, Dec 23, 2007
  9. Andy

    Andy Guest

    Thanks Steve for adding that.
    More encouragement!

    Andy I.

    : My '95 850 had a rear seal leak that was fixed under warranty early on
    : and at 140,000 miles has never leaked again. It was problem at the
    : factory.
    : --
    : Cheers, Steve Henning in Reading, PA, USA
    : Owned '67,'68,'71,'74,'79,'81,'87,'93,'95 & '01 Volvos.
    : The '67,'74,'79,'87,'95 and '01 through European Delivery.
    Andy, Dec 23, 2007
  10. In <K1ebj.4667$DP1.1135@pd7urf2no>,
    Will the owner be giving you maintenance records? A timing-belt change
    is due sometime around 70,000 miles.

    On my non-AWD 850, I seem to remember getting the transmission flushed
    around then also.

    Aawara Chowdhury, Dec 24, 2007
  11. Andy

    Andy Guest

    Thanks for your continued interest Aawara.
    I'll certainly look into the timing belt change. On my '93 245 Classic
    wagon a sticker was applied under the hood to record the change. It had the
    B230F engine which is a non-interference type........... always a relief to

    Andy I.

    : In <K1ebj.4667$DP1.1135@pd7urf2no>,
    : > Considering buying a '97 850 wagon, stick shift, AWD, 146,000 Km (87,600
    : > miles).
    : > AWD is not on my wish list, but stick shift is. This car is in top
    : > condition (one owner).
    : Will the owner be giving you maintenance records? A timing-belt change
    : is due sometime around 70,000 miles.
    : On my non-AWD 850, I seem to remember getting the transmission flushed
    : around then also.
    : AC
    : --
    : Email: echo 36434455860060025978157675027927670979097959886449930P | dc
    Andy, Dec 24, 2007
  12. The owners manuals and maintenence schedules are on line at:

    The on-line maintenance schedule is at:

    '93 850 change timing belt every 50,000 miles
    '94-'97 850 change timing belt every 70,000 miles

    The on-line manuals are at:

    The 1995 850 on-line manual is at:
    Stephen Henning, Dec 24, 2007
  13. Andy

    Andy Guest

    Thanks Steve for that very useful info. I shall certainly look into that.
    You've all been very helpful.

    Andy I.

    : > Will the owner be giving you maintenance records? A timing-belt change
    : > is due sometime around 70,000 miles.
    : The owners manuals and maintenence schedules are on line at:
    : The on-line maintenance schedule is at:
    : nance.html
    : '93 850 change timing belt every 50,000 miles
    : '94-'97 850 change timing belt every 70,000 miles
    : The on-line manuals are at:
    : The 1995 850 on-line manual is at:
    : --
    : Cheers, Steve Henning in Reading, PA, USA
    : Owned '67,'68,'71,'74,'79,'81,'87,'93,'95 & '01 Volvos.
    : The '67,'74,'79,'87,'95 and '01 through European Delivery.
    Andy, Dec 24, 2007
  14. In <K9Rbj.11748$DP1.4379@pd7urf2no>,
    Just one last thought from me - the 850 AC evaporator is a known
    trouble spot. I didn't have to replace mine, but I know of others who

    Make sure there are no evaporator problems in the 850 you're purchasing.

    Aawara Chowdhury, Dec 24, 2007
  15. Andy

    Andy Guest

    Thanks Aawara. That's good to know. Well.......... not *good* but useful.
    I'll make sure I find out.

    Andy I.

    : In <K9Rbj.11748$DP1.4379@pd7urf2no>,
    : Just one last thought from me - the 850 AC evaporator is a known
    : trouble spot. I didn't have to replace mine, but I know of others who
    : have.
    : Make sure there are no evaporator problems in the 850 you're purchasing.
    : AC
    : --
    : Email: echo 36434455860060025978157675027927670979097959886449930P | dc
    Andy, Dec 24, 2007
  16. Andy

    Roadie Guest

    Should be a reliable car. But unless you really need AWD why pay
    extra for it and suffer reduced gas milage.
    Roadie, Dec 24, 2007
  17. Andy

    Andy Guest

    Good point, "Roadie", but we were looking for a stick-shift wagon about this
    vintage ('97) to replace our much lamented '93 240 Classic wagon.
    Manual transmission wagons are hard to find here. All '97 AWD wagons were
    built with stick-shift. (None with Auto Tran.) We found two decent wagons
    with stick-shift, both AWD...... Don't know what happened to the non-AWD
    stick-shift wagons!
    Anyway the one we're considering is one-owner and in excellent condition.
    We're not racking up the miles as we used to do, so I don't think the
    reduced fuel consumption will be a problem.

    Thanks for your interest.
    Andy I.

    Should be a reliable car. But unless you really need AWD why pay
    extra for it and suffer reduced gas milage.
    Andy, Dec 25, 2007
  18. Andy

    Roadie Guest

    Then go for it and enjoy a fine car. My undersanding is that the AWD
    used in those cars is a very reliable mechanism. If the car has had
    all scheduled maintenance performed I suspect that you will get a lot
    mre miles from it. I sent one daughter off to school with a Volvo and
    never regretted it.
    Roadie, Dec 25, 2007
  19. Andy

    Andy Guest

    Thanks for the encouraging comments"Roadie".
    I'm sure sending your daughter off with a Volvo was a wise move.
    Our two daughters got Volvos, and our two sons. One of each has stuck with
    the marque. We ourselves have had nothing but, since '58!

    Andy I.


    Then go for it and enjoy a fine car. My undersanding is that the AWD
    used in those cars is a very reliable mechanism. If the car has had
    all scheduled maintenance performed I suspect that you will get a lot
    mre miles from it. I sent one daughter off to school with a Volvo and
    never regretted it.
    Andy, Dec 26, 2007
  20. Andy

    Roadie Guest

    You have me beat by a long ways...1958!! Wow!! My earliest Volvo was
    a 240 Diesel. Although the swedish manager of a store I worked at
    long long ago owned a PV544 that I got to drive a few times.
    Roadie, Dec 26, 2007
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