Question about the 'normal sound' of a B230F engine

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jamie, Jun 19, 2006.

  1. Jamie

    Jamie Guest

    I am in the process of trying to transfer video from my camcorder to
    the internet and should have this done by tonight. What I did was
    attempt to capture the audio of my engine, and my camcorder just
    happens to be all I have.

    At any rate - I just want folks to hear (and see) my engine running and
    tell me if they think it sounds within normal limits. Next month I'll
    be pulling the valve cover off and checking the valves to be sure.
    Until then, I am mainly curious.

    Here's my deal. I really don't know how a 20 year old Volvo engine
    (B230F) should sound. I don't think I hear tapping - I'd recognize that
    sound. I've had engines that would be purring like a kitten, then there
    would be that distinct "tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-".

    This isn't my issue. My engine just sounds loud - sort of like a
    diesel. I don't hear anything like a piston slap or valve tap. I'm just
    comparing it to sounds that I know from various engines - and most all
    engines hum, like "VVVVVRRRRRRRRRRRRR".

    This engine sounds more like a diesel with it's seemingly loud and
    hollow mechanics. Does the B230F have a louder, more distinctive sound,
    or should it sound like any other car?

    Not to be exaggerated, it isn't so loud that you're holding your ears,
    it's just loud enough that you hear the engine, where as in most cars
    you can't even tell the engine is running unless you give it gas.

    I feel like I am talking to Click and Clack the tappet brothers on "Car
    Talk" radio. My car sounds like "GGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRR" and should it sound

    Jamie, Jun 19, 2006
  2. Jamie

    hjsjms Guest

    It should be relatively quiet with a smooth steady idle. There will be
    a bit of vibration at idle because it is a 4 cylinder. Two of the
    loudest noises from that engine will be the fan followed by the air
    intake at any speed above an idle. At idle it should be quiet.

    If the engine is otherwise in tune and runing smoothy you may have a
    leak in the exhaust system. Or, a large leak in the air intake (air
    filter all but disconnected) can have a howling rumbly sound.
    hjsjms, Jun 19, 2006
  3. Jamie

    Jamie Guest

    Thanks. I can safely say I don't think it's any of those.

    I think in a way, it's sort of like the fuel injector sound - amplified
    about 5 times.

    I still think the diesel sound is most accurate. Like when you're
    sitting at a stop and a Volkswagon diesel pulls up beside you - you
    know it's there and you hear the engine.
    Jamie, Jun 19, 2006
  4. Jamie

    Jamie Guest

    I may replace the exhaust manifold gaskets. I checked the bolts and
    they are in good enough shape to come off easily.

    Then I'll check the spark plugs/gaps, as the mechanic replaced them.

    Then will come a new valve cover gasket when I check valve clearances.
    Jamie, Jun 19, 2006
  5. Jamie

    Boris Mohar Guest

    Pull out the spark plug boots and if you have any black deposit than it is
    one or more of the exhaust manifold gaskets. If you do not have any black
    deposit it could still be the manifold gaskets leaking in different


    Boris Mohar

    Got Knock? - see:
    Viatrack Printed Circuit Designs (among other things)

    void _-void-_ in the obvious place
    Boris Mohar, Jun 19, 2006
  6. Jamie

    Jamie Guest

    Thanks. I think tonight I am going to "SeaFoam" the engine. I'll post
    the updates.
    Jamie, Jun 19, 2006
  7. Jamie

    Clay Guest

    Any other Volvo's in your town with B230F engine you could listen to for
    Chase one down on the highway and ask them if you can listen under their
    hood. (Don't try this in LA, might get shot at...*g*)
    Clay, Jun 19, 2006
  8. Jamie

    Jamie Guest

    I thought about that, and yes, there is 1 just like mine in town, and
    then a 1994. I need to do this.

    I think my conclusion is that I will find 1-2 valves out of spec
    tomorrow when I pull the cover.
    Jamie, Jun 20, 2006
  9. Jamie

    James Sweet Guest

    I find the easiest way to find leaks is wait until the engine is cold,
    then start it up and feel around the exhaust manifold with your fingers.
    Be careful as it heats up pretty quickly.
    James Sweet, Jun 20, 2006
  10. Jamie

    Robert Guest

    My 1993 940 with the same engine reminds me of an old Mercedes's kind of got a rough-ish rumbling sound at low's
    had that for about the last five years, it seems it developed over
    time. I'd suppose it's normal, I haven't had any major problems.
    Robert, Jun 25, 2006
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