Question about vintage dual sidedraft carberettors:

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Eubiewan Rastaberry, Apr 20, 2006.

  1. Is anyone an expert on the side draft SU and Stromberg, jet and

    Are jets essentially the same; only the needles (as marked) different?
    Do these carburetors, fitted with various needle applications,
    essentially each have common jets?

    If, as long as needles match, is the only difference in jets going to
    be any wearing, out? (Say, one carbo with a brand new jet, the other,
    with used jet of unknown age, but both rebuilt with new needles?

    Or, it now looks like I might have got two, NOS (SU) rebuild kits, but
    of difference in production (i.e. fittings screw together, but each
    kit is of different manufacture) so, aside from my dual carbs looking
    odd, with different jets, mounted, is my only worry getting needles to
    match? I know, how I might actually notice, wearing, in the needles;
    but do the jets even wear, out (much, besides, just their leaking?)

    Eubiewan Rastaberry, Apr 20, 2006
  2. Eubiewan Rastaberry

    User Guest

    In general the jets wear a bit more than the needles going to oval
    overall as opposed to the needles that generally wear a flat spot toward
    the motor side (spring loaded side) of the carb and just in the middle
    of the needle travel. The biggest problem is air leakage around the
    throttle shafts and throttle shaft bushings. Strombergs have the added
    problem of diapragm failure.

    User, Apr 21, 2006
  3. Both sides (dual carb) should be identical, with identical needles. One
    side squirts cylinders 1 and 2, the other squirts cylinders 3 and 4.
    Overhaul both sides at the same time (i.e, buy a complete overhaul kit.
    don't overhaul just one, but not the other). And, have both sides part of
    one complete system, not various parts from various systems from various
    applications over the years.
    Pat Quadlander, Apr 21, 2006
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