Question for 740 wheel expert.....

Discussion in 'Volvo 740' started by geronimo, May 21, 2007.

  1. geronimo

    geronimo Guest

    Its a 92 volvo 740 turbodiesel. It has P215 tires. I checked on the
    spare tire, and found to my surprise that there IS no spare. So I made
    a call to the only junkyard in town for foreign cars. They do not have
    a Volvo 15 in wheel. They say they can special order one for $50.00.
    Thats pretty high just to get a spare, and then I'd still have to get
    a tire mounted on it. The guy said that its not a good idea just to
    get any 15 in wheel, as it might not fit right if its not Volvo, and
    perhaps if not Volvo 740 model as well, because of things like caliper
    clearance. I could get a emergency spare easier and probably cheaper,
    but would rather get a full-sized spare wheel.

    I know the junkyards are full of perfectly good 15 in wheels from
    wrecked that correct that I need to get a Volvo 740 wheel?

    thanks, geronimo
    geronimo, May 21, 2007
  2. Its a 92 volvo 740 turbodiesel. It has P215 tires. I checked on the
    Yep, they all have different distance between the bolts and different
    15" from a Volvo 240, 760 and 940 will also fit.

    Greetings Niels
    Niels Bengaard, May 21, 2007
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