Quick Q on 740...

Discussion in 'Volvo 740' started by Graham W, Feb 28, 2004.

  1. Graham W

    Graham W Guest

    In a rush to have a quick answer and no time to do the usual searching round
    the usual resources. But anyway, is a UK spec 740 on a 'D' plate liable to
    be ok with unleaded?

    Many thanks,

    Graham W
    Graham W, Feb 28, 2004
  2. Graham W

    Stuart Gray Guest

    My C reg 740 ran fine on unleaded for 320,000 miles till the rust claimed
    it. I queried it with Volvo when I got the car and was told all the fuel
    injected models are fine on unleaded with no modification required.
    Stuart Gray, Feb 29, 2004
  3. Graham W

    Graham W Guest

    My C reg 740 ran fine on unleaded for 320,000 miles till the rust claimed
    Well that's pretty conclusive then :)

    Thanks for that,

    Graham W
    Graham W, Feb 29, 2004
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