Quick question Re: 240 Base-model trim

Discussion in 'Volvo 240' started by blurp, Sep 29, 2004.

  1. blurp

    blurp Guest

    Hi all,

    I have noticed in looking at other 240s around town that many (if not
    most) of them have black plastic trim approximately 4" (10cm) wide
    running along the bottom of the doors where they meet the rocker
    panels. Since my 240 (1983 Turbo) doesn't have this feature and since
    my 240 is rusting mainly in these areas (of course) I'm wondering if
    this trim was made stock at some point or if it was a common
    post-body-work element.

    IPD doesn't seem to sell this trim.

    Just wondering.
    blurp, Sep 29, 2004
  2. blurp

    PButler111 Guest

    Subject: Quick question Re: 240 Base-model trim
    Good question. I've wondered about that trim myself. Anyone?
    PButler111, Sep 29, 2004
  3. blurp

    Bill Bradley Guest

    Part of the '86 body re-work (just like they added the plastic inner
    fender liners with the '78 model). Never tried to fit 'em since I have
    a 2 door ('84 242Ti) and the 2 doors stopped with the '85 Turbos.

    Bill Bradley, Sep 29, 2004
  4. blurp

    Jim Carriere Guest

    My '82 240DL had it, I always figured it was stock, maybe blurp's
    fell off some time ago?
    Jim Carriere, Sep 29, 2004
  5. blurp

    PButler111 Guest

    Subject: Re: Quick question Re: 240 Base-model trim
    What do you mean by this? I've had this trim on every 240 I've owned -- '82,
    86, '86, '82, '93.
    PButler111, Sep 29, 2004
  6. blurp

    Bill Bradley Guest

    Not stock on the '82s (at least not the North American models... not
    sure about the Euro or Aussie ones). The plastic rocker arm/lower door
    plastic covers didn't make an appearance on these shores until the 1986
    "hump trunk" and separate bulb headlight trim change.

    Bill Bradley, Sep 30, 2004
  7. blurp

    James Sweet Guest

    I think the confusion here is due to the fact that there's two trim pieces
    in question, all the cars (at least back as far as I've owned) have a narrow
    plastic trim piece on the rocker panel from the back of the front wheel well
    to the front of the rear wheel well. In '86 they got the wide plastic trim
    along the bottom edge of the doors from the front to the rear mud flap. The
    mud flaps were also redesigned to be part of this same trim package rather
    than the rubber ones older cars had.
    James Sweet, Sep 30, 2004
  8. blurp

    Jim Carriere Guest

    That thought crossed my mind right before I read your post. I
    probably am remembering the rocker panel strip. My doors probably
    did have a little rust near the bottoms too :)
    Jim Carriere, Sep 30, 2004
  9. blurp

    blurp Guest

    So as the bottom edge of my doors disintegrate I can't help but wonder
    if this trim package could be retrofit to my vehicle as a stopgap
    measure while I try to find rust-free pre-1986 doors. I have a basic
    understanding of body work but the the thin edge where the outer skin
    and the inner are crimped/spot-welded together seems irreparable
    because of the complexity of the shape and its location.

    For this reason I believe my choices are:
    A) replace the doors
    B) do some surface clean-up and hide the rust under black trim

    If anyone has a reasonable third choice (not involving time travel or
    giving up the car) I'd love to hear it. Most things my car needs work
    on are fringe features but this stuff is the cancer I can no longer
    pretend isn't there.

    Many thanks,
    blurp, Sep 30, 2004
  10. blurp

    daniel Guest

    Funny you'd be a looking for rust free doors, I have one right rear
    (never had the wide or narrow trim for hiding anything) so I'm not sure
    what it came off of? It's the light blue colour and resides in
    Mississauga, burb of Toronto, ON
    I want a dark blue door for my 1988 245 to replace this one Only because
    it's the wrong colour, and not because it's badly rusted. I'll paint it
    before spending time installing a (not in as good condition as the light
    blue door) before I go that route if anyone has one, I'll entertain a
    trade or pay fair market value. It's crank up window knob type and
    central locking style only (No frills) That's what I want to replace it
    with as well. Just want correct colour.
    Oh I'm looking for dark blue tailgate too, must be rust free especially
    around lic. plt bulb sockets and the window area as well.

    Dan in Toronto Burb Mississauga
    905 569-7143
    I could trade a working rear wiper motor off my old rear hatch door from
    the 1988 245. I have a repairable black driver's seat (cloth type from
    1987 244 DL) make an offer or what can you trade me?
    daniel, Oct 1, 2004
  11. blurp

    James Sweet Guest

    Pre-'86 doors are exactly the same as post-'86 doors other than I think
    there's a few holes where the lower trim piece mounts. At any rate if you
    ever find yourself in or near Seattle I know where you can get good complete
    doors for US$30 each. Cars don't rust around here, they just mold.
    James Sweet, Oct 1, 2004
  12. blurp

    Daniel Guest

    If I thought for even a second that the costs to ship a door wouldn't
    end up being around 3 times that price I'd give ya $30.00 or so to set
    it all up for me. Nope not planning to get down your way anytime soon,
    don't get me wrong just no money tree growing out yonder.

    Daniel, Oct 2, 2004
  13. blurp

    blurp Guest

    Well, Dan, thanks for offering. I too am in Toronto. But my car is
    silver. And it's got power windows. And the right rear door is the
    best of the bunch (almost no rust).

    If only we could get to Seattle we could buy all the doors and IPD
    parts we could carry.

    So far away.

    blurp, Oct 4, 2004
  14. blurp

    PButler111 Guest

    So is the bottom line that no one knows anything about this trim?
    PButler111, Oct 4, 2004
  15. blurp

    blurp Guest

    I think it was determined to be stock post-1986 and SOL prior to that
    date in North America. The trim's not an aftermarket item that can be
    easily had and the post-1986 doors have holes drilled into them to
    affix said trim.

    In other words, you can't hide the cancer.

    I guess this trim would look ugly on my car (sour grapes) but the rust
    doesn't look very nice either.

    blurp, Oct 5, 2004
  16. I'm suspicious that the trim accellerates rust by trapping crud against
    the door skins. (And providing nice pre-made holes.) It doesn't look
    so good anymore once it falls off and has to be reattached with sheet
    metal screws.
    David Brodbeck, Oct 15, 2004
  17. blurp

    blurp Guest

    Good point.

    Stupid trim! I don't want you anyway!

    blurp, Oct 15, 2004
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