Random stalling on my old 95 850 -- SOLVED!

Discussion in 'Volvo 850' started by byrocat, Jul 13, 2006.

  1. byrocat

    byrocat Guest

    I'd been getting random stalling. Driving along and BOOM! Dead engine,
    coast to a stop on the shoulder, wait 10-15 minutes, restart and go on.

    Well, things just weren't going well. I'd spent over $1000Cdn on
    various items and absolutely no joy. Finally, I got fed up with
    spending another $1000 and no guarantee.

    Sold the car for about $1300 to one of the local butcher boys (works in
    a butcher shop).

    Last week, I dropped in and he came bouncing over.

    "I got it!"

    Turns out that he'd been talking with a local mechanic and the
    suggestion was that the gascap be backed off a bit after putting it on.

    Pressure builds upin tank and sensors burp.

    New gascap solved the problem.
    byrocat, Jul 13, 2006
  2. My advice, find another workshop.

    Niels Bengaard, Jul 13, 2006
  3. byrocat

    John Horner Guest

    On modern vehicles I consider gas caps a maintenance item and replace
    them routinely at the 5-6 year old mark. Cheap to do and prevents this
    kind of weird problem.

    John Horner, Jul 13, 2006
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