? Re small amount of oil/grease on engine....

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by wirry1423, Aug 6, 2005.

  1. wirry1423

    wirry1423 Guest

    Hello again. I have a 1986 Volvo 240 DL sedan [auto trans] with abou
    190,000 miles. My question is that I have a small amount of oi
    leaking which seems to collect and congeel as grease on the exterio
    top front/side of the engine just in front of and over and around th
    front spark plug [right under the volvo name on the engine]. It i
    obviously a very small leak as I get oil changes every three thousan
    miles, and even when I check the dipstick just before the next oi
    change, the oil loss is negligable. However, when the engine warms,
    small amount of oil smoke does emminate from the stain [although it i
    quickly sucked away by the fan.] But I am slightly concerned about th
    possibility of an engine compartment fire due to the proximity of th
    spark plug to the leak/stain. So my question is where could the lea
    likely be eminating from based on the posistion of the stain? And wha
    part needs to be replaced. Someone told me the engine seals are th
    likely cause, are they possibly correct? And is there a genuin
    possibility of an engine fire with a leak of this small nature? Than
    you for any replies and insight on this issue. [btw, i'm afraid to hav
    the engine cleaned or degreased due to the possiblity of electrica
    shorts and/or other damage. Should I be?] Thanks in advance
    wirry1423, Aug 6, 2005
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