Replacement power antenna from Groton...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jordan B., Aug 16, 2005.

  1. Jordan B.

    Jordan B. Guest

    Hey all. I'm wondering if anyone has ever replaced the power antenna on
    their S70 or even 850 (They are the same I believe) with one from Groton's?
    I priced one at the local Volvo dealership and was amazed to find out it was
    more than CDN $300 not installed! Groton's has one for US $115. Pretty good
    given the exchange right now. My antenna mast is toast and the gearing in
    the motor is as well. Figures that the motor still works like new! It's the
    only non-plastic part!

    Jordan. 1999 S70 Loaded!
    Jordan B., Aug 16, 2005
  2. Jordan B.

    John Horner Guest

    I have not purchased an antenna from Groton, but everything I have
    gotten from them has been of excellent quality.

    John Horner, Aug 16, 2005
  3. Jordan B.

    Rusty Guest

    Check ebay. There are generic models that work just fine for around 30$

    Rusty, Aug 18, 2005
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