running rich

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Kafertoys, Dec 4, 2008.

  1. Kafertoys

    Kafertoys Guest

    My wife's 240 is running very rich about every 3or 4 months I have to
    replace the spark plugs. I've already tried replaceing the air flow
    meter, no help It runs better with out it pluged in. Not that its
    that much of a big deal due to the fact that even after a year or more
    of driving we still have less then $250 tied up into this, even being
    a daily driver. What I'm thinking is if I could lean it out some it
    might get better gas milage , I have no clue what the mpg is, but I
    know that its not what it should be.

    any thoughts?
    Kafertoys, Dec 4, 2008
  2. Kafertoys

    Mr. V Guest

    What year is the car?
    Mr. V, Dec 4, 2008
  3. Kafertoys

    James Sweet Guest

    You'll have to let us know what year the car is, there were several
    different engine and fuel system combinations used in 240s over the years.

    If it's pre-'88 and has the original engine wiring harness, replace
    that. The coolant temp sensor for the ECU (there's a separate one for
    the gauge) is also suspect. Fuel pressure regulator is a possibility,
    but usually they run lean when those go bad.
    James Sweet, Dec 4, 2008
  4. Kafertoys

    Kafertoys Guest

    its an 9/88 240 gl whats funny is none of the parts stores say it
    exist or have a listing for it.
    Kafertoys, Dec 4, 2008
  5. Kafertoys

    ransley Guest

    What year, does it have a distributor if so check timing, retarded 3
    degrees got me less power and 3mpg. Retarded timing makes plugs maybe
    15f cooler per degree retarded. Maybe a bad O2 sensor.
    ransley, Dec 4, 2008
  6. Kafertoys

    James Sweet Guest

    All 240s have a distributor, doesn't matter what year. '88 and later the
    timing is not adjustable as it is controlled by a crankshaft sensor. The
    distributor only points the spark to the correct plug.
    James Sweet, Dec 4, 2008
  7. Kafertoys

    Meyer Guest

    Meyer, Dec 5, 2008
  8. Kafertoys

    Kafertoys Guest

    oh look my cyber stalking freaks are here

    Sorry all this person needs to get a life.
    Kafertoys, Dec 5, 2008
  9. Kafertoys

    Meyer Guest

    Please see - multiple threads . The
    entire VW world wants him off Usenet after he's ripped off several
    people. Not one person will have anything to do with him on Usenet.
    You can see Mario on camera for yourself here:
    .. A local newscrew did an investigation on him. He ran away and hid.
    The guy is a real scum.

    Meyer, Dec 5, 2008
  10. Kafertoys

    Kafertoys Guest

    Most of this is in the last few years any that have been at a show has
    won an award, and my business is swamped with work, so I don't even

    The reason I'm tring to get the gas milage up on the wifes Volvo is
    she will be using it to deliver for meals on wheels to replace the
    wife of one of my customers who just had medical treatment on her

    Its a Volvo I don't worry about her breaking down so if it sucks a
    little gas oh well.

    I apoligize to all here . this has to do with a very confused
    customer and a very few that need to get a life cyber stalks me.
    ( its great for laughs thou.)
    Kafertoys, Dec 5, 2008
  11. Kafertoys

    Meyer Guest

    Mario Gavazzi, aka Kafertoys has been banned from all of the major
    Volkswagen forums because of his fraudulent dealings so posts on
    Usenet because its the only place he can't be kicked off. He has
    multiple unpaid court judgements and outstanding claims against him in
    more than one state. We call him "Bondo Boy" because of his shoddy
    workmanship. We call him worse because of his lack of ethics and the
    several people we know about for sure that he's ripped off.

    Follow the links, and be especially sure to watch the video. There is
    a mountain of evidence and the documentation is rather complete.
    Everytime somebody tries to confront him with the facts, he lies about
    awards he hasn't won and points to tiny pictures that mean nothing.
    Viewed up close, his work is unbelievably bad. Follow the links for
    more detail - real, big, easily identifiable and fully documented

    Bottom line: Mario Gavazzi and his wife Sherry Kelly of "Vintage Werks
    Restoration" in Burlington, North Carolia, , are
    proven thieves and a liars, and you should do business with them at
    your own risk.

    Meyer, Dec 6, 2008
  12. Kafertoys

    Kafertoys Guest

    if you want to waste your time you can find out that the BBB has
    nothing on my business nor do I or my wife have a chriminal record
    and these keyboard cowards hide be hide behind fake names so not to be
    sued for slander.
    Kafertoys, Dec 6, 2008
  13. Kafertoys

    Meyer Guest

    Exactly the behavior I was talking about. I mentioned multiple
    judgements and outstanding collection actions against him, the fact
    that he has been banned from all the major Volkswagen sites for his
    crimes and provided several links detailing his past. His response is
    some vague nonsense about the BBB and his criminal record. Proof
    enough right there.

    Also kind of funny, in a pathetic sort of way, how a guy who lives in
    a rented trailer (can't own property because of the judgements against
    him) thinks he can somehow pull off an interstate slander suit. Not to
    mention his faulty understanding of slander litigation. Its not
    slander when its true, for starters.

    But here's another example of how he habitually lies:

    The two links above say the exact same thing many of us have been
    saying for a long, long time, and they have been posted by EASILY
    IDENTIFIED, WELL KNOWN legitimate businessmen in the air-cooled
    Volkswagen world. They are even in Mario's area -- yet suprisingly, no
    lawsuit. Compare and contrast with his earlier claim that this all has
    to do with a single "confused customer".

    Mario lies like a cheap rug.

    I'm belaboring the obvious at this point, but as I said before, Mario
    Gavazzi and his wife Sherry Kelly of "Vintage Werks Restoration" in
    Burlington, North Carolia, , are proven thieves and a
    liars, and you should do business with them at your own risk.

    Meyer, Dec 6, 2008
  14. Kafertoys

    James Sweet Guest

    What does that have to do with this? He's not offering to do business, he's
    just asking about a Volvo. If you have an issue with him, take it to an
    appropriate place, which this group is not.
    James Sweet, Dec 8, 2008
  15. Kafertoys

    lee030805 Guest


    I think Mario Gavazzi Vintagewerks Kafertoys sucks gorilla cocks!

    BTW, Mario.......I still have your sign!
    lee030805, Dec 24, 2008
  16. Kafertoys

    James Sweet Guest

    Do you have any idea how juvenile that sounds? When you try so hard to
    make someone else look bad, it only reflects poorly on yourself. Welcome
    to the killfile.
    James Sweet, Dec 24, 2008
  17. I beg to differ. This individual is a known criminal. Not an
    opinion; a matter of public record. Hundreds of people can give any
    interested parties easily followed links to proof. If you give advice
    to this known criminal, you aid and abet him in his further criminal
    enterprises. Denying any culpability is akin to the Nazis saying they
    were 'just following orders'. Be warned.
    wdstewart2001, Dec 24, 2008
  18. Kafertoys

    James Sweet Guest

    So take him to court, or report him to the proper authorities. Ranting
    about him on usenet groups makes you look bad instead. All it has
    accomplished is getting you added to my killfile now.
    James Sweet, Dec 24, 2008
  19. Kafertoys

    Happy Trails Guest

    After Meyer blew the whistle on him here he tried a similar "trawl for
    suckers" on the Jaguar forum. I agree that it is appropriate to post
    info about the criminal past of this guy where ever he shows up.
    Happy Trails, Dec 24, 2008
  20. Kafertoys

    lee030805 Guest

    Mario probably doesn't know because he stole the car.
    lee030805, Dec 25, 2008
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