Does anyone know where I can download a wiring diagram for a 1999 S40 19D? Cheers
Does anyone know where I can download a wiring diagram for a 1999 S40 I have diagrams in a book for the 98 model, I could scan. What are you interested in? Niels
That would be great and much appreciated What I'm after is the circuit for the Heater Blower/ Hazard circuit Many Thanks
With normal heating system, airconditon or climate control? What do you mean by blower / hazard circuit, its not the same circuit. Niels
It's the normal heating system. It's the blower circuit I'm after but the guy who asked me to look for this for him seemed to think that the blower and hazard circuits were ultimately fed from the same source - but maybe not! Cheers
I have mailed two pictures to your email. Hazard light and fan blower runs on different fuses. You mean the fan blowing air into the cabin and not the one cooling the engine? Niels