Set screw for power steering pump?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by cannedmeat, Dec 6, 2005.

  1. cannedmeat

    cannedmeat Guest

    Pardon if this double-posts, it looks like my news provider is not
    To keep a long story short, somehow the set screw for the power
    pump* on my 940 (B230F) backed itself out and ran off. I've since
    locked a position by hand, but when I make sharp turns (i.e. parking
    lot) my dash goes nuts, and I have an awful belt squeal at low
    RPM... which, fun though it may be for pedestrians, does drive
    me nuts when I roll down the window.

    I'm blessed to live in a city with scads of hardware stores but
    not many junkyards, at least for this vintage. Does anyone know what
    the size of the screw is so I can pick up/special order one? Is it the
    size as the screw for the alternator? For obvious reasons I'm most
    concerned about length and shaft width. :)

    Thanks in advance,

    * Maybe not the power steering pump? It's below the alternator,
    and links to the outermost belt on the shaft.
    cannedmeat, Dec 6, 2005
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