Sorta OT: A Comment from Newmarket Volvo about my site...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Lucas Tam, Oct 17, 2005.

  1. Lucas Tam

    Lucas Tam Guest

    Here's my site:

    What I wrote are quotes from the sales people, the financial services
    manager, etc. We even have paper to backup most of the stuff written on
    my site (i.e. the multiple invoices they sent us).

    So - in Canada, does anyone know what is consider "salderous"?

    I find it sad that Newmarket Volvo still has not called to apologize -
    but instead they send a threatening note.

    From: "Marcel Algieri" <>
    Subject: Legal Notice
    Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 18:15:21 -0400

    Without Prejudice:

    Dear Mr. Tam,

    Please be advised that the comments you make on the tripod site are
    infringing on our everyday business conduct. You make reference to
    dealings with the General Manager and my conduct that are both
    slanderous and defamation of character. Firstly you have never met me
    and secondly we have never spoken as I am the General Manager and
    President of Newmarket Volvo.

    More importantly using “Newmarket Volvo” as the URL without the written
    consent from Newmarket Volvo or Volvo Cars of Canada Limited is an
    infringement on our trademark.

    Newmarket Volvo is currently suffering financial hardship from the
    slanderous remarks you personally make and will seek reimbursement of
    all losses both present and future as a result of your personal
    vendetta. I demand an immediate retraction and cease of infringement.

    Govern yourself accordingly.

    Newmarket Volvo
    Marcel Algieri
    President & General Manager
    Lucas Tam, Oct 17, 2005
  2. Lucas Tam

    Randy G. Guest

    Not any more:
    We have informed Volvo Canada about this complaint and are awaiting a

    As a courtesy to Newmarket Volvo, we have taken down the contents of
    this website.
    Can you prove it? Did you have witnesses? Your word against theirs,
    and I bet they can afford better lawyers.
    "..._most_ of the stuff."? If you are going to do something like this
    you batter have evidence to back up EVERYTHING!
    heading the title of the site as: "Total Incompetence at Newmarket
    Volvo" was just asking for trouble. If they can wash the floor at the
    end of the day it means that they are not totally imcompetant and thus
    have legal grounds to sue you and probably win.
    ....AND they had your site taken down.

    Prove it.

    Since you (Tam) did not post the comments we have no way of knowing.

    So Tam, who DID you speak with?
    I am on their side with that one. They undoubtedly have a copyright on
    their name and could easily take you to court for your use of it. By
    the time you get done, even if you win, you could be living out of a
    cardboard box.
    They could screw you good. On the other hand, this guy is not a
    lawyer, and most businesses would not comment directly in this way,
    but refer it to their law staff. He has come to conclusions based on
    alw, and that makes little more sense than taking your car to his
    lawyers for repairs.

    Basically, stating exactly what happened is not slanerous. Calling
    them things like inept, idiots, etc. can be.

    If you say, "The mechanics said thay fixed it, but when I got my car
    back it...." is OK.

    If you say, "The idiot mechanics lied when they said they fixed it,
    and they ripped me off by charging me more than.." is not.

    Since the site is gone it is difficult to comment further. We don't
    know what happened specifically nor what steps you took to remedy the
    situation before posting the site. And I wonder what you intended to
    get out of the website besides totally pissing them off?

    If there really was something wrong with what they did you should have
    contacted the regional Volvo folks. Or park the car in front of the
    place and post some big sings stating,
    "Don't do business here.
    Ask me why!"
    and alert the media.

    __ __
    Randy & \ \/ /alerie's
    '90 245 Estate - '93 965 Estate
    "Shelby" & "Kate"
    Randy G., Oct 17, 2005
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