Spark plug wires

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Rojo2G, Mar 5, 2004.

  1. Rojo2G

    Rojo2G Guest

    On this 83' 240, I have tried to get the spark plug wires off to check the
    plugs. The plug shroud seems to completely cover the plugs and I have tried to
    pull them off by grabbing the whole shrould and even with easy to moderate
    force. They don't budge. Is there a twist that goes with the pull or some
    other secret incantation (PG) that is done to remove the wires?
    I always get great advice here and as impatient as I am to check the plugs I
    decided to see what advice I can get instead of regretting a hasty action..
    Thanks Rojo.
    Rojo2G, Mar 5, 2004
  2. Rojo2G

    Grtdane Guest

    Twist & pull is good, interpersed with few good expletives may help also.

    Grtdane, Mar 5, 2004
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